The seventh month is the time when your baby is gaining weight and getting ready to leave the womb. He performs breathing exercises, improves his eyesight, and sometimes even sets himself up in the best position to go out into the world.
Seventh month of pregnancy- the last trimester of pregnancy begins. During these three months, the baby mainly gains weight, because all its organs and systems have already formed and developed.
Seventh month of pregnancy: what is still developing?
Your eyes, lungs and brain will still develop by the end of your pregnancy. The rapid development of the brain causes the soft bones of the skull to be pushed forward, giving the head its characteristic shape (high forehead). The surface of the brain becomes more wrinkled and more and more connections are made between nerve cells. The baby continues "breathing exercises," which are chest movements that draw amniotic fluid into the lungs instead of air. Thanks to these exercises, the lungs are stimulated to produce more surfactant - a protein substance necessary for their proper development. The eyes can move around in the sockets and are more and more sensitive to light - the pupils react by expanding to a beam of red light that penetrates the uterus. Based on the research, the researchers also found that a 28-week-old fetus can sense the difference between sunlight and artificial lighting! The child practices opening and closing his eyes, but so far he rarely has them open, because he sleeps almost all day. The 28-week-old fetus is 27 cm (from the crown to the end of the torso) and weighs about 1350 g. It is getting tighter and tighter. He can no longer show off his acrobatic abilities: there is no room for the kicking of the billy goats. He can push and kick pretty well.
ImportantWhat does the baby look like now?
After seven months of prenatal life, the baby measures approx. 30 cm (parietal-seat length) and weighs approx. 1800 g. Its limbs, fingers and face are well-developed; he opens and closes his eyes, his hair and nails grow. His body is no longer covered with fluff, his skin becomes smooth and pink. It almost looks like a newborn.
Seventh month of pregnancy: changes in the appearance of the baby
At this time, lanugo, the temporary nap that covers the entire body, disappears. It remains only on his back and shoulders - there hisresidues will last until birth, and will disappear within a few weeks after birth. More and more fatty tissue is deposited under the baby's skin, thanks to which the blood vessel network is no longer visible - the color of the skin changes from red to pink. The hair on the head thickens. The eyelids open and close, nails grow. In boys, the testicles descended into the scrotum, in girls, the labia are still so small that they do not cover the clitoris - their growth will take place in the last weeks of pregnancy.
Seventh month of pregnancy: little digger
Around 30 weeks into gestation, many babies are already in the head down position, which is the best starting position for labor. From the moment this happens, the baby gives mom strong kicks in the lower ribs, which is not pleasant.
The child already has its own daily rhythm
A child's activity is to some extent related to what his mother does. It is activated especially when mum is calm and relaxed, e.g. during evening and night rest. The child is also more mobile after the mother has eaten a meal (a reaction to the increase in blood glucose) and when she is nervous and excited (the influence of adrenaline). Nevertheless, it can already be seen that the activity of the fetus becomes more organized and orderly, with distinct periods of rest and mobility.
According to scientists, more than 80 percent it takes time for your baby to sleep. Only about 10 percent. it is active waking when the child is mobile, and a few percent are called calm waking when the child's body is not moving but its eyes are constantly moving. This state is similar to the wakefulness of a newborn - the baby behaves calmly, as if paying attention to what is happening around him.
Could the child have dreamed something?
Research has shown that at a certain stage of sleep, the eyes of an unborn baby move quickly. In adults, dreams are associated with this very phase of sleep (the so-called REM phase). On this basis, some scientists put forward the thesis that a child still alive in mum's womb can dream, summing up their experiences accumulated during the past day!
ImportantChoose your place of delivery correctly
Find out about the care and procedures in your local birth wards to choose the one that suits you best. There is no re-division, so you can give birth wherever you want. Think about what you care most about (presence of a husband, active childbirth, anesthesia, etc.), and then find out what it looks like in specific hospitals: ask friends, look for opinions on the Internet and in the guide of the Rodzić po Human Foundation. Visit toopre-selected hospital and ask what interests you. If the pregnancy is not complicated, you can give birth at home, as long as there is a midwife in the area who is accepting such deliveries.
monthly "M jak mama"