Uterine defects are most often diagnosed by chance. Incorrectly built uterus can cause infertility, so sometimes only unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant are one of the first symptoms of this disease. Find out what is the wrong structure of the uterus. What are the risks for pregnant women from defects in the structure of the uterus: two-horned, one-horned, septal, arched and double uterus?

Uterine defectsmay pose a real threat to pregnant women.Incorrectly built uterusmay cause miscarriage and premature birth. In turn, in women who are planning to have a child, it may be an obstacle in getting pregnant. Check the risks for women of congenital defects in the structure of the uterus: two-horned, one-horned, septal, arched and double uterus.

What is the normal structure of the uterus?

The uterus is an organ located inside the pelvis, with a shape similar to a flattened pear. The uterus, which is approx. 8 cm long and 4 cm wide, has two parts:

  • of the uterine body (upper part) - mainly composed of smooth muscles. Its inner walls, or the uterine cavity, are lined by the mucosa (endometrium). This is where the fertilized egg nests;

The upper body of the uterus is connected to the fallopian tubes. This connection looks like horns and is therefore called uterine horns.

The lower part of the uterine body is a few millimeters long passage through which the cervix enters the uterine cavity.

  • The cervix (lower part), which opens towards the vagina, produces an alkaline discharge that facilitates sperm penetration.

Two-horned uterus

The two-horned uterus is a congenital defect of the uterus, which affects approximately 0.4-0.5% of the female population. It is characterized by an abnormal structure of the inner uterine cavity and the outer body of the uterus. In the external structure of the uterus, two separate, prominent horns are distinguished, which is manifested by a recess on the outer surface of the uterus above one centimeter. On the other hand, the uterine cavity is divided into two parts at least 15 mm long (then the uterine cavity takes the shape of the letter W).

There are two types of bipedal uterus: complete -with two necks, and a partial one - with one neck.

Two-horned uterus:

  • is not a problem in getting pregnant or notifying it, provided that the defect is minor. When the defect is greater, it may cause miscarriages and premature births;
  • for diagnosis, laparoscopy with hysteroscopy is used;
  • surgery is usually performed;

Septum (septal uterus)

We speak of a uterus with a septum when its cavity is divided in a smaller or larger section into two parts by a septum (a membrane deforming the uterine cavity). This division should be at least 15 mm long. On the other hand, the external structure of the uterus is normal. On rare occasions you will find a dimple between the corners that is less than 10mm.

Uterus with a septum:

  • may impair fertility and cause habitual miscarriages or premature births;
  • for diagnosis, hysteroscopy with laparoscopy, 3D ultrasound or sonohysterography (ultrasound with saline injection into the uterine cavity) and others are performed;
  • a surgical procedure is required during which the septum is removed. It is especially recommended for women who have problems getting pregnant or reporting it.

Arched uterus

If only in the center of the upper part of the uterine cavity there is a slight protrusion (arch) and the outer structure of the uterus is normal, an arcuate uterus is diagnosed. This type of congenital defect of the uterus is unlikely to endanger the he alth of the woman.

Arched uterus:

  • may cause miscarriages to a small extent;
  • surgery is very rarely required. The prognosis for pregnancy is favorable in most cases.


One-horned uterus is one of the rarest congenital abnormalities of the uterus. It arises as a result of incorrect development of one of the two seedling structures (Muller's ducts), from which the uterus is formed. A single fallopian tube is also seen most often, since the other, like part of the uterus, has not developed. In some cases, the second part of the uterus is present, but in the rudimentary stage of development (the so-called vestibular horn).

unicorned uterus:

  • carries a risk of miscarriage and may endanger the continuation of pregnancy;
  • is difficult to diagnose in ordinary ultrasound, therefore 3D SIS contrasting ultrasound methods and other examinations are increasingly used.
  • If the uterus is making it difficult for you to conceive and cannot support your pregnancy, or causes a miscarriage, surgery is recommended.

Double uterus

In utero in uteroit begins to develop as two little tubes. Over time, the tubes fuse together to form one larger, hollow organ - the uterus. This is the normal stage in the production of this reproductive organ. Sometimes, however, the tubes do not connect completely, and one of them grows on its own and becomes a separate structure, known as a double uterus.

In many cases, the defect leads to the formation of separate cervixes. Some women with a double uterus also have two vaginas or a split vagina.

Double uterus:

  • is usually diagnosed during a routine gynecological examination when a doctor notices a double cervix or senses an abnormal shape of the uterus;
  • can cause infertility, problems with maintaining pregnancy, misalignment of the fetus and premature birth;
  • When a double uterus makes it difficult or complicates pregnancy, surgery is required to consolidate the uterus.
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Retroflexion of the uterus, i.e. pathology of the uterus position

A correctly positioned uterus is most often tilted forward (the uterine body tilts anteriorly towards the vaginal axis). Then we are talking about uterine hyperextension. At the same time, the cervix at the end of the convex part of the uterus points towards the rear side of the pelvis. In the case of uterine retrograde, the opposite is true - the body of the uterus tilts backwards, often pressing against the recto-uterine cavity. It is not a birth defect of the uterus. This type of condition may be caused by chronic pelvic inflammation or endometriosis. Usually, it does not pose a threat to the development of the fetus and termination of pregnancy. In rare cases, it can cause habitual miscarriages and sometimes also fertility problems.
