The very name of the procedure: perineal incision makes you anxious and wonders how much it hurts? Unnecessarily. The way the perineum is cut during labor means that many women in labor do not even notice that it has occurred. The pain in the perineum usually doesn't start to bother you until the puerperium.
Episiotomyis something that often, but unfortunately not always, can be avoided. For many pregnant women, this is a cause for concern, and the most frequently asked question is:Does the Erotic Incision Hurt ?
The perineal incision usually doesn't hurt
There are, of course, women who experience pain when incising the perineum, but most do not feel it, and some women in labor do not even notice the moment when it occurs. Why is this happening? Because the perineum is cut at the top of the contraction, when the head presses against the perineum and stretches it as much as possible. This is because at this point the tissue is insensitive and the woman feels no pain. If pain occurs, it means that the incision was made incorrectly or at the wrong time. If you put a clock face on the perineum, the incision is usually made at 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. A midline incision is avoided to prevent damage to the rectum. The incision is always sutured under local anesthesia.
Episiotomy: pain may appear after delivery
If the perineal incision has been sutured correctly, healing is essentially painless and takes 7 to 10 days. When the suture has not been applied correctly, the healing of the wound may be painful, hematomas and papules may appear. You can speed up healing by washing the wound with chamomile and oak bark infusions and applying rivanol or altacet compresses. It is imperative to see a doctor when acute pain in the perineum and fever appear. One of the most common causes of perineal infection is improper hygiene. Postponed excrements are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to wound infection.