In the 29th week of pregnancy, you can slow down your pace of life and start preparing slowly for childbirth - after all, in the 29th week of pregnancy, there are about 11 weeks left for it, difficult, because during these weeks your baby will grow a lot and triple his birth rate. weight.
- 29. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
- 29. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
- 29. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations
29. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
At the 29th week of pregnancy, the fetus weighs about 1,300 g and its total length is approximately 37-42 cm.
28 weeks is the 7th month and the 3rd trimester of pregnancy
All the baby's organs are already developed - his body is now accumulating fatty tissue, necessary because it protects against heat loss after giving birth. There is so little space around him that he won't be able to give you a decent kick - from now on, he will mainly push himself.
- Baby Movements: Top 10 Things to Know
He already has a well-developed sense of smell - although it may seem improbable, smells begin to reach him through the amniotic fluid. The one who smells the most - that is, the smell of mom - remembers what, after birth, will help him distinguish you from everyone else he will deal with.
In the 29th week, during the activity, the baby has eyes open - he closes them while he is sleeping. Hearing is the most developed sense of today. The little one eavesdrops on his parents, and when mum or dad raises his voice, he becomes anxious.
- How do baby's senses develop?
He doesn't always like the music that reaches him: with some, especially loud, songs he may even try to turn away from the source of the sound, which you will feel as a violent struggle. If you used to put the headphones to your baby's tummy, using which you played music to your baby, it's worth stopping - the sounds reach him anyway.
- What does the fetus feel, see and hear?
Pregnant coffee: forbidden or not?
29. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
In the 29th week of pregnancy, you may experience heartburn, indigestion and other digestive ailments. It will be softened by a properly composed menu, in which it is notit should be hard to digest, fried or sweets.
In the 29th week of pregnancy, many women have to change their shoes to a number or two sizes larger - the ligaments in the feet are loosened by a hormone called relaxin, and the feet and ankles are almost constantly swollen. When you feel that it is burning, lubricate it with cooling cream (even through the pantyhose), and at home rest with your legs slightly raised.
- Pregnant hormones: a real storm
You may now often experience predictive contractions, followed by a new symptom - lower abdominal pain. If they're strong or for any other reason, don't hesitate to see your doctor.
29. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations
Slow down the pace, especially if you feel like you're constantly tired. It is also worth telling the doctor about this, you may find that the cause of fatigue is anemia and you will have to take iron supplements. Continue to count the baby's movements - if you suddenly stopped feeling them, it would be important to the doctor when you last felt them for the last time.
- What supplements should you take during pregnancy?
Try to eat more whole grains, wholegrain - they have a lot of fiber that will help you deal with a common ailment during this period: constipation.
In the 29th week of pregnancy, do not wear flip-flops anymore - they can cause hallux.
If you feel that you are constantly swollen, with a headache and problems with your eyesight, contact your doctor as soon as possible.
While you still can, take off your rings - soon your fingers may swell and the jewelry will dig painfully into your body.
Also read:
- Third trimester of pregnancy
- 28. pregnancy week
- 30. pregnancy week
- 31. pregnancy week