7. one week of pregnancy is the middle of the 2nd month. You may already start to feel the characteristic symptoms of pregnancy - nausea and vomiting, although drowsiness and fatigue predominate in many women. Time for the first pregnancy visit at the gynecologist and inserting a pregnancy book. The embryo is still small - currently around 4-5 mm, but it is growing rapidly.
- 7. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
- 7. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
- 7. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations
7. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
7. week of pregnancy is the moment when the baby's head develops exceptionally well. If you could look at it under a microscope, you would see that it already has the correct shape with more and more detail.
- spots are slowly turning into eyeballs, you can also see holes that will soon turn into nostrils. The beginnings of the tongue and mouth are also visible, as well as the tooth buds
- arms and legs grow significantly, and at their ends there are seeds for hands and feet
- the heart divides into the right and left ventricles, it beats clearly and quickly - about twice as fast as yours
- the child's skeleton is already formed, although for now it is made of soft cartilages only
- the baby's internal organs are still developing, especially the digestive system - intestines and liver, but also internal sexual organs - the boy's penis and testicles are formed, and the girl's ovaries. Although these organs are already forming, they are not visible outside, so it is not possible to distinguish the sex of the child on ultrasound
- What determines a person's gender?
What are the early pregnancy symptoms? [TOWIDEO]
7. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
7. the week of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of the first nausea. These are perhaps the most common symptoms of this condition. Of course, they are caused by the pregnancy hormones that are going crazy in your body right now and, contrary to the name "morning", they don't always occur at this time.
- Nausea in pregnancy: remedies for morning sickness (effective and ineffective)
Gestational nausea is bothersome but not disturbing - on the contrary, it shows that your body produces the hormones (progesterone and beta hCG) which are necessary forthe maintenance and development of pregnancy.
In the 7th week of pregnancy, you may also start to feel the weakness that is typical of the 1st trimester.
You are now in the 7th week, i.e. in the 2nd month of pregnancy
Your body starts to work "for two", but for now it reacts to the changes with sleepiness and constant fatigue. You can now take afternoon naps even though you never needed them before and struggle to work harder.
- Remedies for constant fatigue in pregnancy
The blood volume increases, and thus your heart rate also increases, the heart beats faster. It's the cardiovascular system's way of adjusting to this new situation. So if you feel your pulse 80-90 / min, don't worry - it's a physiological symptom.
7. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations
Between the 7th and 10th week of pregnancy, you should visit the gynecologist for the first pregnancy visit. Your doctor will measure your blood pressure, weigh and examine you gynecologically to assess the appearance of your uterus and cervix.
She will probably also collect material for a pap smear and vaginal cleanliness test - this is an important test that detects intimate infections that can be extremely dangerous during pregnancy.
- Intimate infections in pregnancy - causes and treatment
If the gynecologist has the opportunity, he or she will do an ultrasound to find out if there is a gestational sac or give you a referral for such an examination. He will also order you blood and urine tests, which you will have to do before each visit, which is on average every month.
- Pregnant ultrasound: the most important questions about pregnancy ultrasound
- Pregnant blood tests to be done
- Urine test during pregnancy: interpretation of results
You will also get a pregnancy booklet, which you should always carry with you. You should visit the doctor by the 10th week.
This is a necessary deadline for all the most important tests, but also an official requirement - only then you have a chance to apply for a baby shower allowance, i.e. a one-time allowance due to the birth of a child by a woman.
- Becikowe 2022 - who is en titled to the application, documents for the baby shower allowance
If you have not been to the dentist so far, make sure to attend a dental check-up (this examination is included in the list of routine perinatal examinations).
This is necessary because 9 months of pregnancy are conducive to caries (a woman loses minerals, including calcium and phosphorus to the developing baby), and the unfavorable changes in the dentition are influenced by hormones and acidicreaction of vomit, which is common to most mothers-to-be.
- PREGNANT with a visit to the dentist
Any tooth infection can also have a very negative impact on the baby - when the bacteria spread, they can reach the fetus through the placenta.
The treatment itself is also difficult due to the fact that many drugs cannot be given during pregnancy, and X-rays should not be taken then, so it is better to prevent dental problems in advance.
- First trimester of pregnancy
- 6. week of pregnancy
- 8. week of pregnancy
- 9. week of pregnancy