Deepened kyphosis (or round back) is a disease of the spine, the characteristic feature of which is excessive backward bending of the spine in the thoracic and sacral sections. Untreated kyphosis may not only worsen and lead to the formation of a hump, but also cause serious complications, such as respiratory problems. What are the causes and symptoms of kyphosis? What is the treatment? What exercises should be performed to reduce kyphosis and prevent the formation of a hump?
Deep kyphosis(otherwiseround back,hyperphosis ) tospine diseaseconsisting in progressive, excessive, pathological backward bending of the spine in the thoracic and sacral sections.
The spine naturally bends slightly in the thoracic section. Thus, it absorbs shocks and supports the weight of the head. However, if this natural arched curve is deepened, it is referred to as pathological, deepened kyphosis - hyperphosis. It is worth knowing that kyphosis affects not only bones, but also muscles and ligaments.
Kyphosis - causes
The most common cause of kyphosis is maintaining an incorrect body posture - staying in a bent position for a long time. Another spine defect may also contribute to kyphosis - scoliosis, i.e. lateral curvature of the spine.
In addition, kyphosis can be a result of a spine injury, a prolapsed disc, spinal infections, birth defects such as spina bifida, and even tumors. Osteoporosis, arthritis or other degenerative bone diseases as well as muscular dystrophy can also contribute to this spinal defect. Other possible causes include diseases of the endocrine system, connective tissue disease, polio, and Paget's disease.
In turn, the cause of kyphosis in pre-pubertal children may beScheuermann's disease( juvenile kyphosisor sterile spinal necrosis), the essence of which is necrosis and bone death without the participation of viruses, fungi and bacteria.
After all, kyphosis may be the result of an aging body (especially with incorrect body posture).
Kyphosis - symptoms
The most characteristic symptom of kyphosis is round back, and in the advanced stage of the disease, the so-called hump, i.e. a bulge on the upper back.In addition:
- the head is excessively forward (chin does not project on the breastbone);
- shoulders are put forward and shoulders are visibly rounded;
- flattening and collapse of the chest is visible;
- it is noticeable that the shoulder blades spread apart and protrude from the chest;
In addition, there may be discomfort in the upper back, as deepened kyphosis can put excessive pressure on the spine. Hyperphosis can also contribute to breathing problems due to pressure on the lungs.
Kyphosis - diagnosis
The doctor palpates the spine. In addition, he asks the patient to make specific movements. Thus, it determines the extent to which it can perform spinal flexion and rotation movements.
The doctor orders a spine X-ray, which is performed along the entire length of the spine (front / back / up / down). Stand with your arms outstretched while the x-ray is taken and keep your head straight. The photo can also be taken lying down.
Kyphosis - treatment
In patients with a milder form of it, no specific treatment is sometimes given. In this case, it is only necessary to perform the prescribed exercises and sleep on a not very soft mattress.
Specialist treatment covers more severe cases of kyphosis. Then you can use painkillers, corrective gymnastics, physical therapy and orthopedic braces. In some cases (such as when kyphosis is associated with an infection or tumor), surgery may be necessary.
Yoga, massage, and chiropractic (a type of manual therapy) may also be helpful.
ImportantKyphosis - what positions to avoid?
In kyphosis, it is forbidden to swim on the back, ride a bike, lift weights and exercise on any equipment.
Kyphosis - example exercises
Stand slightly apart and spread your arms to the sides. Inhale and tilt your arms back. Then breathe out and make a movement with your hands as if you want to hug someone.
Kneel on the mat - knees should be hip-width apart. Then pull the sides of your body upwards, positioning your body properly, and bend back so that your palms drop onto your heels.
Lie down on your stomach. Extend your arms to the sides. Rest your forehead on the floor or a rolled up towel. Raise your arms upwards, bringing your shoulder blades closer to your spine. Do 15 repetitions.