A femoral pain is usually pain in the lumbar spine, radiating to the front of the thigh, but also to the buttocks and calves. It is a condition that arises as a result of inflammation or other changes in the spine. How else does femoral cyst manifestation and how to treat it?
Thigh cancer is a disease classified as a root syndrome, the so-called "rootlets". Among them, apart from the femur, we also distinguish sciatica and brachial gland. Femuritis occurs as a result of degenerative or inflammatory changes in the spine. More scientifically speaking, it is caused by the irritation of the L2, L3 and L4 nerve root fibers of the femoral nerve, which is responsible for sensation in the front of the thigh, as well as the medial part of the calf and foot. Depending on the degree of these changes, the intensity of the rash can vary.
Symptoms of femur
- pain (varying in severity), rushing, burning, neuropathic, beginning in the lumbar and sacral spine, running through the front of the leg, the inner part of the calf, all the way to the foot; the ailment may worsen when sneezing, coughing or laughing
- paresis
- paresthesia (tingling, numbness)
- sensory disturbance
- muscle contractions
- feeling of thigh pain when passively bending the leg in the knee in a patient lying on the stomach (the so-called Mackiewicz symptom)
As a consequence of this pain, the patient sometimes has difficulties in moving and adopting certain positions. Femuritis may be acute and then heal within a few weeks (3-12), or it may become chronic. In this case, muscle contractures add to the persistent pain, and over time, permanent posture and gait disturbances may appear.
Thigh cramp: causes
In general, all root syndromes can be caused by any or more of the following factors:
- insufficient physical activity
- improper physical activity - improperly selected exercises, as a result of which the paraspinal muscles and joint ligaments are damaged
- damage to the intervertebral disc - disc - it may cause pressure on the nerves
- damage to the femoral nerve - as a result of e.g. pelvic fractures, pelvic tumor, bleedingretroperitoneal, diabetes
- so-called sedentary lifestyle
- high overweight, obesity - leads to the formation of degenerative changes in the spine, which narrow the intervertebral openings, which in turn makes them too tight for the nerve roots running in them.
- local inflammation
- cold, cooling ("blowing me") of the lumbar spine - as a result of cooling down, immediate contracture of the paraspinal muscles is created
- rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or osteoarthritis
- infectious diseases
Treatment of the femur
The appearance of the characteristic pain described above requires immediate consultation of a specialist - a family doctor, orthopedist, neurologist or physiotherapist. To make a diagnosis, your doctor may order an MRI. This imaging test will best show the size and extent of lesions in the spine and nerve roots. Appropriate treatment can be selected based on the MRI. Sometimes electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction testing are also used.
Unfortunately, if you have had an attack of the thighs once, you have to take into account that it can recur, as it is usually the result of your living habits. To prevent this from happening, some lifestyle changes need to be implemented.
Painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and, in more severe cases, steroids are usually used in the treatment of femoral pain. It is also recommended to relieve the spine. There is some relief when you pull your knee up to your stomach. When the most severe phase of tear has passed, rehabilitation can begin. Sometimes patients guess the causes of their pain and bypass the doctor, immediately referring to an experienced physiotherapist who, even without any tests, can help with massage and appropriate exercises.
In the physiotherapy office, apart from massage, there are treatments using heat, cold (cryotherapy), shock wave, magnetotherapy and laser. However, the most important thing is physical exercise because it strengthens the torso's muscular corset. The patient has to learn them and do them at home, even later, after the seizure has passed. Kinesiotaping is also very effective in the treatment of femur. In the most severe cases, where nerve damage has occurred, surgery is required.
ImportantFemoral prophylaxis
- swimming has a very beneficial effect on the relief of muscles, not only the spine, so it is worth signing up for a swimming pool, e.g. twice a week
- obese people should shedunnecessary kilograms and start eating he althy
- you should remember about physical activity every day and perform a set of exercises that not only strengthens the paraspinal muscles, but also makes the muscles of the whole body evenly stretched and strengthened
- you should be careful not to make sudden, unexpected body movements
- take care not to cool down the lumbar region
- it is worth taking a look at the mattress on which we sleep - maybe it needs to be replaced