Your man has less desire for sex lately? Apply an appropriate diet that stimulates erotic appetite. Food is a natural source of substances that strengthen the body, give energy, vigor, improve libido and make your partner a passionate lover like Don Juan.
There is a reason why people say "through the stomach to the heart" - some products work better on potency than champagne and candlelight. A well-composed, easily digestible meal can kindle a real heat of passion. Here is a list of products that increase your sexual appetite. Make sure that theseaphrodisiacsare in your partner'sdiet .
Diet for better sex: protein gives vigor
Every day, give your man 3-4 tablespoons of lean cottage cheese, a glass of milk, kefir or yogurt, a serving (150 g) of roasted or stewed meat. Two or three times a week, prepare him sea fish, eggs (as long as he has no problems with cholesterol). They are the best sources of wholesome protein. It builds muscles, stimulates the production and secretion of testosterone, promoting sexual performance. Protein is made up of amino acids. One of them - arginine - is the main component of semen, it stimulates the secretion of nitric oxide, which improves blood flow, which is important for a proper erection. Another amino acid - histidine - is converted into histamine. This in turn causes relaxation and an increase in the permeability of blood vessels, is responsible for the redness of the face when we are excited, and increases the production of mucus in the genitals.
Stimulating diet: power for energy and less stress
The lover's menu should include whole grain preparations: 3-4 slices of whole grain bread, 3-4 tablespoons of brown rice or groats. They provide complex carbohydrates (gently raise blood glucose levels, keeping the partner full of energy and vigor for a long time). Cereal products are also a source of fiber (prevents overweight) and B vitamins. They alleviate symptoms of stress (and prolonged stress reduces sexual performance), accelerate metabolism, and are also necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the production of sex hormones.
What aphrodisiacs affect men? See THIS VIDEO
Diet for better sex: byyour senses are not lost
Offer your partner a dish of green peas, soybeans, lentils, and green beans from time to time. They have a lot of lecithin. It is the richest source of choline needed for the formation of acetylcholine - one of the neurotransmitters associated with sexual activity. Acetylcholine is responsible for the transmission of stimuli between nerve cells. Thanks to this, the partner's body will be more sensitive to sexual stimuli.
Diet for better sex: vitamin E - for fertility
To maintain sexual performance, it is worth using 1-2 tablespoons a day of linseed or rapeseed oil, give your loved one some nuts to crunch on, and prepare an avocado salad for dinner. The vitamin E contained in them supports the functioning of the pituitary gland, which controls the work of glands that secrete sex hormones, stimulates sexual activity and increases muscle strength.
Diet for better sex: seeds, vegetables
A lover's diet cannot lack pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or sesame seeds. They contain a lot of zinc, which increases testosterone levels. A deficiency of this mineral can lead to a decreased sex drive. By enriching your menu with zinc-rich foods (seafood, fish, grains, nuts, meats, and cold cuts), you can restore your partner's interest in sex. The allies of lovers are also vegetables - wheat germ, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, celery, cabbage. It is a rich source of fiber and beta-carotene (supports the production of sex hormones) and minerals, including potassium (its lack may weaken the potency). Vegetables also contain a lot of selenium. It is necessary for the production of testosterone and the proper structure of the testicles. And because men lose more than half of their selenium during ejaculation, it is worth supplementing it regularly by serving your partner a bowl of vegetables, preferably raw.

Love aspirations to cool
»Hard-to-digest and fatty meat, as well as cold cuts, animal fats, cheese. It is a source of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, which increase the risk of atherosclerosis, causing poorer blood supply to the genitals. »White bread, 450-650 flour products and potato purée contain fattening carbohydrates, and overweight reduces sexual performance. »Sweets promote overweight and diabetes, which in turn lead to problems with potency.» Highly processed foods (eg crisps, teabag soups) contain a lot of preservatives and additives, and low in minerals, which worsens the quality of the sperm. » Too much alcohol puts you to sleep instead of stimulating you. For example, vodka, although it initially makes the blood circulate faster, after a while it causes a decreasevital forces. Beer makes you feel heavy. »Coffee - in small amounts it stimulates, in too large it causes the body to expel magnesium from the body. You get tired faster and your interest in sex decreases.
Diet for better sex: sweet finale
Citrus fruits and strawberries, blueberries and blackberries recognized as aphrodisiacs also have a beneficial effect on sexual activity. The vitamin C they contain is involved in the production of sperm. Chocolate is also your ally, because it is a great way to improve your mood. The love kitchen cannot miss basil, chili, cinnamon, curry, coriander, lovage, nutmeg, paprika, pepper and ginseng root. They accelerate digestion, improve blood circulation and add energy. And something to drink. For abstainers, fruit juice, ginger tea or ginseng root tea will be the best. The senses will also be warmed by a glass of your favorite light wine or a glass of Hungarian Tokaj.
They awaken desire
»whole wheat bread with pumpkin seeds» brown rice, buckwheat, barley groats »lean cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, buttermilk» lean beef, veal, poultry - boiled, stewed without frying in fat or baked in foil »fish sea (salmon, cod, s alt, pollock) grilled, baked in aluminum foil »nuts, almonds, chocolate in moderate amounts» olive, rapeseed and linseed oil »broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers» herbs and spices - ginger, cinnamon , anise, nutmeg »garlic, celery, leek, parsley, eggplants, broccoli, asparagus, all leafy vegetables, as well as peppers, carrots and various sprouts» mushrooms, especially mushrooms, morels and truffles »avocado, blackberries, kiwi and pineapples
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