Ulipristal acetate is currently one of the most effective methods of treating uterine fibroids. What are the effects of this therapy? This question is answered by prof. Jan Kotarski from the Medical University of Lublin, Head of the First Clinic of Gynecology, Oncology and Gynecology.

Withuterine fibroids ,non-surgical (pharmacological) treatmentcan be applied. Pharmacotherapy is aimed at reducing the size of the myoma, helping to improve the quality of life of patients and avoiding the side effects caused by the GnRH antagonist. In the case of many women, pharmacological treatment also allows to avoid surgery.

Nonsurgical (pharmacological) treatment with ulipristal acetate

- Selective progesterone receptor modulators are the newest group of drugs used in the treatment of fibroids. In Poland,ulipristal acetateis registered in this group, which is the only one that works on fibroids, and not only reduces their symptoms. This is a novelty in the treatment of uterine fibroids - comments Prof. dr hab. n. med. Jan Kotarski.

Ulipristal acetate is characterized by relatively few side effects - emphasizes prof. Kotarski.

In February 2012, the European Commission issued a marketing authorization for ulipristal acetate (UPA - effectiveness confirmed in PEARL I and PEARL II studies), a substance from the group of the so-called selective progesterone receptor modulators (SPRM).

- Therapy with this drug is scheduled for 3 months, but on the 7th day of use the drug is effective in stopping bleeding. In addition, iron is administered in the therapy, thanks to which anemia can be effectively cured - emphasizes prof. Kotarski.

Importantly, apart from avoiding surgical treatment, pharmacological therapy improves the quality of life of patients, allows them to stay professionally and socially active, and, most importantly, gives a chance to plan motherhood. The monthly cost of the treatment, however, is an expense of several hundred zlotys, which cannot be afforded by every patient.

Ulipristal acetate is used in the preoperative and periodic treatment of moderate to severe symptoms of uterine fibroids in women of childbearing age.

It is also the active ingredient of "po" pills and inhibits or delays ovulation. They are used in casesemergencies - within 120 hours (5 days) of unprotected intercourse - or if your contraceptive method has failed.

Treatment with ulipristal acetate is not reimbursed by the National He alth Fund

- The downside of this form of therapy is the high cost of treatment, therefore it is not available to all patients. […] Importantly, efforts are currently being made for its reimbursement - adds prof. Kotarski.

Treatment of uterine fibroids - very important selection of the appropriate treatment method

It is very important in choosing the appropriate method of treating fibroids to agree it with the patient. However, experts confirm that more and more women come to the doctor's office with some knowledge about the disease and are aware of the available methods. Despite various factors and the increasing awareness of patients, the final decision regarding the choice of therapy should always be made jointly by the patient and the doctor. He must adapt the type of therapy / surgery to the patient's situation - age, size of the myoma and maternal plans - explains Prof. Kotarski.

Treatment with ulipristal acetate - contraindications

The use of ulipristal acetate is not recommended if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. During therapy, due to the possibility of ovulation changes, patients are recommended to use non-hormonal methods of contraception (e.g. condoms).


Warning on the use of ulipristal acetate

The European Medicines Agency has started a review of the data on the benefits and risks of ulipristal acetate in the treatment of uterine fibroids. The review was initiated because of reports of severe liver injury, including acute liver failure leading to transplantation, in patients treated with the medicinal product containing ulipristal acetate. Therefore, treatment with the product should not be initiated in new patients or in those who have terminated a previous treatment cycle. For currently treated patients, liver function should be monitored at least monthly and 2-4 weeks after stopping treatment.

Source: urpl.gov.pl
