Gastric bypass is the most popular bariatric surgery in the USA. Gastric bypass modifies the digestive tract so that the time of effective digestion and absorption is significantly shortened, which enhances the weight loss effect. Gastric bypass - how much does it cost, what is it and how does this bariatric surgery work?
Gastric bypass(Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypas - RNY) is abariatric surgerywhich is used in patients in whom the treatment of obesity, the so-called conservative, i.e. a proper diet and physical activity did not bring the appropriate results. Gastric bypass is effective - the loss of excess body weight within 6-12 months after surgery ranges from 65 to as much as 85 percent. This operation is reimbursable, but waiting times are long at most centers. The cost of a private gastric bypass ranges from PLN 15,000 to PLN 24,000.
Gastric bypass: for whom?
The most important indications and criteria for the implementation of this surgical treatment of obesity:
- BMI>40
- BMI>35 if there are concomitant diseases accompanying obesity, such as: diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea syndrome, other
- unsuccessful attempts to reduce weight by methods other than surgery
- he alth problems related to obesity disease;
- age 18-65;
- no coexisting mental illnesses (depression is not a contraindication to the procedure)
Gastric bypass works well in obese patients with emotional disorders such as binge eating and sweet eaters.
Gastric bypass: how does it work?
Gastric bypass cuts the stomach into a small reservoir. This reservoir is then sutured onto the loop of the small intestine. Thus, a twofold healing effect is achieved. First of all: a reduced stomach makes it impossible to eat too much. Secondly: food flows directly into the small intestine, bypassing the duodenum and about 150 cm of the jejunum, which significantly shortens the effective time of digestion and absorption. The bypass operation is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes just over two hours.
Gastric bypass: after surgery
AfterYou should stay in hospital for a few days during the procedure, you can return to normal activity after a few weeks. After the procedure, painkillers are administered. The patient should start to sit down on the day of surgery. Usually, in the first day after the procedure, an X-ray of the upper gastrointestinal tract with contrast is taken to assess its effects. After surgery, the patient has to change his eating habits. For the first 2 weeks, a liquid or mixed diet is recommended, and only later can solid foods be introduced gradually.
Gastric bypass: benefits
- strong control of food intake
- effect of reducing the absorption of unhe althy nutrients - carbohydrates, fats, sugars
- reversible in the event of complications, but treated as permanent surgery
Gastric bypass: disadvantages
- the stapler may be broken, i.e. special staples at the intersection of the stomach,
- the connection between stomach and intestine may narrow or block
- requires strict adherence to diet
- vomiting may occur if food is not chewed thoroughly or eaten too quickly
- there is a high risk of sugar overload syndrome, the so-called dumping
- the need to consume additional vitamins and microelements for the rest of your life
- changes in the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract and stomach
Gastric bypass: benefits
- regulating lipid disorders in 70 percent of patients
- lower blood pressure to normal in 70 percent of patients
- recovery from sleep apnea symptoms
- normalization of glycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes - almost 90 percent of patients no longer require the use of insulin
- symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease disappear in almost all patients
- back pain and lower limb joint pain in patients with osteoarthritis is lower
Gastric bypass: complications
With laparoscopic surgery, the overall risk of perioperative complications is 7 percent, and with classic surgery - 14.5 percent. The risk of death after this type of surgery does not exceed 1 percent. The most common complication of surgery is:
- infection of postoperative wounds
- bleeding from the cut off of the stomach
- leak and leak at the cut off of the stomach
- stricture of the gastrointestinal anastomosis
- spleen damage requiring removal
- pneumonia / respiratory failure
- kidney failure requiringdialysis
- cardiovascular failure / heart attack
- deep vein thrombosis of lower limbs, pulmonary embolism
- hernia in the postoperative scar (the risk increases with conventional surgery)
- vitamin and nutrient deficiencies
- postoperative depression. supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity.
This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content for people suffering from obesity.