Capers is a spice that has long been used in European cuisine, especially Mediterranean. They are a good source of antioxidants that delay the aging process and protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer. Check what other he alth properties capers have and what dishes are best to use them with.
Capers: what are they?
Capersare underdeveloped flower buds of a spiny caper, pickled or preserved. They are now used as a spice in the kitchen. In the past, capers were widely usedin folk medicinedue to their healing properties . They were considered an aphrodisiac, as well as an aid in the functioning of the digestive system and the liver, reducing flatulence and having anti-rheumatic properties.
Capers inabout 83 percent . consist of water and the remainder are numerous:
- polyphenols as the most important ingredient,
- mineral elements,
- vitamins (especially vitamins A and C),
- steroid saponosides, which have an expectorant and diuretic effect, increase the secretion of mucus and accelerate the metabolism of fats.
Capers: rich in polyphenols
Capers are characterized by a particularly high content of polyphenols, or antioxidants. These are substances that protect against cancer and slow down the aging process of the body. Raw capers containapprox. 310 mg of polyphenols per 100 g , and the average content of polyphenols in 100 g of capers in the brine is 135.56 - 180.77 mg .¹
Thorn caper flowers bloom in the morning and fruits appear in the evening.
Polyphenols found in capers are:
- kaempferol,
- quercetin,
- routine (considered the most important).
Routine seals and strengthens blood vessels, facilitates the absorption of valuable substances and slows down the oxidation of vitamin C, thus prolonging its effect. However, above all, it isa powerful antioxidantthat protects against the harmful effects of free radicals that accelerate the aging processes of the body.
Worth knowingNutritional values of canned capers (in 100 g / one spoon - 8.6 g)
- Energy value - 23/2 kcal
- Total protein - 2.36 / 0.20 g
- Fat - 0.86 / 0.07 g
- Carbohydrates - 4.89 / 0.42 g (including simple sugars 0.41 / 0.04 g)
- Fiber - 3.2 / 0.3 g
- Vitamin C - 4.3 / 0.4 mg
- Thiamina - 0.018 / 0.002 mg
- Riboflavin - 0.139 / 0.012 mg
- Niacin - 0.652 / 0.056 mg
- Vitamin B6 - 0.023 / 0.002 mg
- Folic acid - 23/2 µg
- Vitamin A - 138/12 IU
- Vitamin E - 0.88 / 0.08 mg
- Vitamin K - 24.6 / 2.1 µg
- Calcium - 40/3 mg
- Iron - 1.67 / 0.14 mg
- Magnesium - 33/3 mg
- Phosphorus - 10/1 mg
- Potassium - 40/3 mg
- Sodium - 2348/202 mg
- Zinc - 0.32 / 0.03 mg
Data Source:USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
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Capers and their properties: included in the sirt food
Food sirt is a group of products that activate proteinscalled sirtuins.These proteins regulate metabolic processes in the body, especially glucose and lipids. They are also credited with rejuvenating properties. According to researchers, regular consumption of sirt can increase the rate of weight loss and offset the effects of an unhe althy diet.
The sirt food group also includes:
- green tea,
- cocoa, turmeric,
- kale,
- blueberries,
- parsley,
- citrus,
- walnuts,
- celery,
- chili,
- soybeans,
- buckwheat,
- red onion,
- apples.

Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreRead also: Arugula: what nutritional values does cress have? [RECIPE]
What do capers taste like and what dishes should you add them to?
Capers have aspicy flavor,which is reminiscent of a mixture of olives, black pepper and horseradish, although some people also sense a delicate aroma of cabbage in it. When added to dishes, they make them spicy and expressive.
White coating on capers is a routine that crystallizes during pickling.
Pickled capersorpreserved can be added to tartare, herring dishes, salads with meat and cured meats, fish and vegetable marinades, as well as for decorating jellies. In Mediterranean cuisine, they are most often served as an accompaniment to:
- poultry,
- fish,
- seafood,
- tomato sauce,
- salads,
- pasta,
- pizza.
Capers are also an indispensable ingredient of French remoulade sauce.
ATTENTION! Do not overdo the amount of pickled or preserved capers as they are very high in sodium (the main source of which is s alt).
Capers lose their original taste under the influence of high temperature, thereforethey should not be boiled, stewed or fried . It is best to eat them cold. If capers are to be used in warm dishes, they are added last.
Anna Starmach's recipe for salmon with poppy seeds and capers
ImportantWatch out for fake capers!
When buying capers, it is worth checking the label carefully to make sure they are real capers.Capers can be easily confused with pickled nasturtiums(also called Polish capers). They are confusingly similar to the real ones in appearance and taste.