Eagle's syndrome is quite rare, and the causes of excessive ossification of the styloid-hyoid complex are not fully understood. Check the symptoms of Eagle's syndrome and its treatment.
Eagle's syndromethat isprolonged styloid syndrome( Eagle's syndrome ) specialists divide into four distinct types:
- classic Eagle band
- carotid syndrome
- gnykowy band
- alleged gnykowy band
Eagle's syndrome: symptoms
In the classic form, there is paroxysmal, stabbing pain in the area of the tonsil and the bottom of the mouth radiating to the ear and the angle of the jaw, odynophagia (pain while eating), a feeling of a foreign body in the throat. Pain can be induced by opening the mouth, chewing, swallowing.
In the carotid artery syndrome, the dominant symptoms are fainting, hemiparesis and loss of consciousness associated with movement - turning the head. The ailments are the result of irritation of the branches of the cranial nerves (IX, V, VII, X, XII) running in the parapharyngeal space and of sympathetic fibers running in the wall of the carotid arteries by the elongated styloid process.
Eagle's syndrome: causes
- pressure on one of the nerves innervating the stylothyroid, stylus-lingual and stylus-pharyngeal muscles (nerves VII, XII and IX)
- compression on the trigeminal nerve
Eagle's syndrome: diagnosis
The diagnosis is made on the basis of an interview, palpation of the palatine area, relief of symptoms after local anesthetic administration and imaging tests.
When diagnosing Eagle's syndrome, it is first differentiated from tumors of the larynx, laryngeal part of the pharynx and the anterior triangle of the neck, and then with inflammation of the head and neck, migraine headaches, cluster headaches, carotidia, neuralgias of the cranial nerves , neuralgia of the pterygoid plexus, diseases of the temporomandibular joints, larynx and the anterior triangle of the neck.
Eagle's syndrome: treatment
Treatment of Eagle's syndrome consists of combined pharmacotherapy, neuromodulation, nerve blocking with steroids and local anesthetic, and in some cases surgical treatment is necessarycutting off calcification of the ligament and / or cutting off the styloid process.