Superfoods, i.e. food with beneficial effects on he alth, very rich in nutrients and bioactive compounds, arouses more and more interest and is willingly included in the menu. The list of superfoods is long and can be divided into several categories depending on the action. Foods with high antioxidant potential are among the most popular. We present a list of 10 foods with the highest antioxidant capacity.
Antioxidant capacity , i.e. the ability of antioxidants to absorb reactive oxygen species in biological samples, is called ORAC. The ORAC value informs about the ability to catch and neutralize free radicals, and thus - the ability to protect the body's cells against oxidative stress. Factors such as air pollution, smoking, a stressful lifestyle, or an improper diet are the main causes of oxidative stress, lead to cell damage, accelerate the aging process, and can also cause cancer or neurodegenerative diseases. To prevent this from happening, introduce effectiveantioxidantsinto your diet! Here is a list of 10 so-called superfoods - plant products with the highest antioxidant potential that reduce the risk of cancer.
1. Pecan nuts
Pecan nuts grow naturally in North America, resembling walnuts. They are one of the favorite foods of supporters of he althy eating due to numerous he alth benefits. Pecan nuts are a source of monounsaturated fats and a small amount of protein. Vitamin E is responsible for their very high antioxidant potential, which protects the fats contained in nuts from becoming rancid, and when introduced into the body, it constitutes a protective barrier for cells attacked by free radicals. Its beneficial effect is observed in reducing the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol in the blood, therefore the consumption of pecan nuts is a preventive factor in cardiovascular diseases. Pecan nuts also contain ellagic acid - a powerful antioxidant belonging to the group of polyphenols and strengthening immunity, as well as vitamin B1, which improves the functioning of the nervous system, and zinc, which strengthens nails and hair.Nuts can be eaten raw or as an addition to cakes and desserts. Be careful about their amount, because they are very calorific - they contain almost 700 kcal per 100 g.
ORAC index for pecan nuts: 17,940
2. Cranberry
Cranberries are characterized by a very rich composition of antioxidant compounds. They include quercetin and kaempferol from the group of flavonoids and anthocyanins: cyanidin, delphinidin, peonidin and malvidin. The presence of these compounds, as well as benzoic and citric acid, which are natural preservatives, as well as tannins and vitamins, are responsible for the wide spectrum of cranberry activity. This fruit is best known for its use in the treatment of urinary tract diseases. Its effectiveness is due to the content of anthocyanidins, which change the shape of bacteria, prevent them from adhering to mucous membranes and accelerate excretion from the urinary tract. The strong antibacterial effect is also used to treat Helicobacter pylori infection, which can lead to stomach ulcers. Cranberry flavonoids have a preventive effect in heart and circulatory system diseases - they inhibit the formation of blood clots, dilate blood vessels, and prevent oxidation of cholesterol and the formation of atherosclerotic lesions. Due to the short-lasting fruit season, cranberries can most often be found in stores in the form of dried or juices.
ORAC indicator for cranberry: 9584
3. Artichoke
Artichokes are known primarily for their slimming properties, but its most important bioactive compounds - cynarin and chlorogenic acid - also have other he alth benefits resulting from their antioxidant nature. Cynarin stimulates the production of bile in the liver, reduces the concentration of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, and accelerates the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids. Thus, it prevents the formation of atherosclerotic lesions and protects the circulatory system. It also improves the blood supply to the liver and accelerates the excretion of toxins from the body. Chlorogenic acid also has a positive effect on the lipid profile, and also increases glucose tolerance and delays its absorption from food into the bloodstream, which is very beneficial for people suffering from diabetes. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated the protective effect of artichoke extracts on cells subjected to oxidative stress in the form of inflammatory mediators and oxidized LDL cholesterol.
ORAC index for artichokes: 9416
4. Red beans
Beans are usually associated with a good source of protein, not antioxidants. However, like most dark vegetables and fruits, it contains large amounts of flavonoids and proanthocyanidins, so it is characterized byhigh antioxidant capacity. In addition, by eating beans, we will provide ourselves with lecithin, which improves the functioning of the nervous system, and improves concentration and memory. It also contains isoflavones, which are the natural plant-based equivalent of female hormones. They will be especially appreciated by women, because isoflavones alleviate the symptoms accompanying menopause.
ORAC indicator for red beans: 8459
5. Pistachios
Pistachios are a very good source of potassium, magnesium and calcium, as well as vitamin E and B vitamins. The only nuts contain lutein and zeaxanthin - carotenoids that protect the retina from free radicals and prevent macular degeneration. A large amount of unsaturated fatty acids contained in pistachios can improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lower the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Dr. Joan Sabate of Loma Linda University in California says that eating a handful of these nuts every day improves your lipid profile, and a 70g serving helps protect against cancer. American scientists from Texas State University announced that a daily serving of pistachios in the amount of 70 grams protects against lung and prostate cancer, and their strong protective effect is due to the presence of γ-tocopherol - one of the forms of vitamin E.
ORAC index for pistachios: 7983
6. Black currant
Vitamin C and anthocyanins, which give the fruit a dark color, are primarily responsible for the antioxidant properties of blackcurrants. Black currant contains a routine that increases the bioavailability of vitamin C and improves the condition of blood vessels, as well as B vitamins, provitamin A and mineral s alts. The antioxidants contained in fruits have a positive effect on the work of the heart and lowering blood pressure, and also regulate the level of cholesterol. Black currant is known in folk medicine as a product with a cleansing effect. This action is due to flavonoids that support and protect the liver by the ability to bind with heavy metals, so they are not stored in the liver and are easily removed from the body. Traditionally, the fruit is also known as an antibacterial and antiviral agent used in colds and digestive ailments.
ORAC indicator for blackcurrant: 7960
7. Plum
There are many varieties of plums, and the richest in antioxidants are those with the darkest skin possible. These fruits are associated primarily with the regulation of digestion and the prevention of constipation, and pectins are responsible for this action, which protects the colon against cancer and reduces the level ofcholesterol in the blood. Plums contain the vitamins of youth - A, C and E, as well as polyphenols, incl. chlorogenic acid. As reported in the Agriculture and Food Chemistry magazine, scientists from the Texas AgriLife Research Lab conducted research showing that natural plum fruit extracts destroy cancer cells without degrading he althy cells. The extracts turned out to be effective also in very aggressive forms of cancer.
ORAC indicator for plum: 6259
8. Lentil
Lentils are primarily a good source of protein. It is especially recommended for vegetarians and people who should limit the amount of meat in their diet for he alth reasons. Lentil protein is characterized by a very high bioavailability at the level of 85%. Among the nutrients contained in this legume plant, the most abundant is potassium, which when consumed in appropriate amounts prevents arterial hypertension, and folic acid - a vitamin necessary for women planning pregnancy and during pregnancy, because it is responsible for the proper development of the fetal neural tube. Lentils are a great source of fiber, so like all fiber-rich plants, it helps to reduce the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol in the blood, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and is beneficial for diabetics as it slows down the absorption of sugar from food into the blood. The strong antioxidant properties of lentils are mainly due to tannins - chemical compounds derived from phenols with strong anti-inflammatory, astringent and anti-carcinogenic properties.
ORAC index for lentils: 5997
9. Blueberry
Berries are characterized by a wide range of therapeutic effects. Due to the presence of a large amount of tannins, the fruit has an astringent effect, which is used to prevent diarrhea. They also have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Like all dark berries, blueberries are characterized by the presence of a large amount of anthocyanins - powerful antioxidants. Anthocyanins, including mythylin, are responsible for the sealing and elasticity of blood vessels. Berries are also rich in ellagic acid, which prevents the formation of cancer, incl. esophagus, larynx and lungs. Berry extracts are used in ophthalmic preparations that improve microcirculation in the eyeball, support the treatment of retinal diseases and accelerate eye regeneration after intense exercise.
ORAC indicator for blueberries: 5347
10. Garlic
Garlic is known as a natural antibiotic, it has a strong antibacterial effect and helps prevent colds. But this is not the only way it works.Allicin, acting as an antibiotic, has a positive effect on the condition of the heart. This compound inhibits platelet aggregation and reduces the risk of blood clots in the coronary arteries. Flavonoids, sulfur and selenium contained in large amounts in garlic have anti-cancer properties. Selenium sulfides seem to have the ability to block the damaged fragment of the cell's DNA and stimulate the repair of the erroneous stretch of the nucleic acid. Eating garlic on a regular basis can even destroy cancer cells. Garlic has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of stomach, prostate and colon cancer.
ORAC index for garlic: 5346
Worth knowingSpices are characterized by a high concentration of active substances and essential oils, which give them a very distinct flavor and aroma. Drying causes an even greater concentration of these compounds. Therefore, all herbs and spices have a very high ORAC index, which is the antioxidant capacity of 100 grams of the product. However, consuming such an amount of spices at one time is very difficult, if not impossible.
Spice / herb | ORAC / 100 g |
Dried cloves | 314 446 |
Dried cinnamon | 267 536 |
Dried Oregano | 200 129 |
Ground turmeric | 159 227 |
Natural cocoa powder | 80 933 |
Dried cumin | 76 800 |
Dried parsley | 74 349 |
Dried basil | 67 553 |
Curry powder | 48 504 |
Black pepper | 27 618 |
Fresh thyme | 27 426 |
Fresh marjoram | 27 297 |
Chilli Dried Powder | 23 636 |
Ground ginger | 21 867 |
Dried paprika | 17 919 |