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It is fairly common to believe that menopause in women and andropause in men are two different names for the same processes: menopause and aging. Not exactly. For men, with the onset of andropause, nothing suddenly ends. Find out what the symptoms of andropause are and how to deal with them.

When is comingandropauza ? In men, the averageconcentration of testosterone(male fertility hormone) in the blood serum decreases very slowly with age - not more than 1%. annually. Moreover, only about 30 percent. in men in their sixties, the sperm count decreases, which is not a sign of infertility or reduced sperm quality. So is nature more kind to gentlemen?

Symptoms of andropause

Male menopausemenopauseare most often accompanied by easy-to-see symptoms.

  • Problems with full erection are associated with a decrease in the level of hormones and vascular changes. Sometimes it even leads to impotence.
  • Progressive atherosclerosis reduces the overall efficiency of the body. It's getting harder and harder to run up to the bus and go to the third floor without being out of breath.
  • There are hot flashes, hyperhidrosis and sleep disturbances very similar to those experienced by menopausal women.
  • It is easy to observe excessive sensitivity, frequent changes in mood, and sometimes also depression. This makes some men even aggressive.
  • Fat tissue accumulates on the stomach, which men are happy to explain by their love of drinking beer.
  • Sometimes there are problems with urinating, which is most often the result of an enlarged prostate gland.
  • Back pain worsens. They are often confused with degenerative changes, and sometimes osteoporosis is to blame, which - like in women - has a hormonal background and requires treatment.

Doctors say that the onset of symptomsandropausedepends more on overall he alth than on age. Male menopause may be accelerated by diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, but also smoking, alcohol abuse, poor nutrition (e.g. too much animal fats), and an inactive lifestyle. Genetic factors also decide when the first symptoms of andropause will appear and what will be its course - if the father developed it early and was severe,the son's case may be similar.

The first symptoms of menopause may appear even in a 40-year-old. However, they usually become noticeable in your 50s, when your body is losing hormones. The testes produce less testosterone, the adrenal glands produce less DHEA androgens, the pituitary gland produces less growth hormone, and the pineal gland produces less melatonin. What then happens in the body? Testosterone deficiency can significantly lower your sex drive and cause erectile dysfunction. The lack of the male hormone causes deterioration of physical and mental performance. It happens that men fall into prolonged depression, but more often they become hyperactive and nervous. On the other hand, a systematic decrease in the level of DHEA reduces the body's immunity and worsens the general well-being. On the other hand, a lower concentration of growth hormone reduces the body's ability to regenerate quickly. There are (sometimes large) problems with metabolism and bowel movements. The drop in melatonin levels makes men more and more often suffer from sleepless nights, and the favorite after-dinner naps make the situation worse.


Gentlemen do not accept that time is passing and their bad mood or bad moods are related to menopause. In addition, every second man smokes cigarettes and is significantly overweight. They are the cause of many ailments that you can get rid of by changing your lifestyle. Meanwhile, most men quickly expect very effective pharmacological help. Some, in order to prove (to themselves and to others) that aging does not concern them, buy another car or throw themselves into numerous romances.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) relieves the symptoms of andropause

Doctors estimate that only 10-20% of people experience andropause symptoms acutely. men. Nevertheless, they encourage men to use hormone replacement therapy (HRT). There are many reasons.

    • Testosterone for potency and strong muscles

Equalizing the testosterone level means returning sex drive and full sexual performance in as much as 70 percent. men. Unfortunately, this does not apply to men who suffer from impotence on a different background - e.g. after removal of the testicles or prostate. Testosterone treatment improves mood, increases bone density, strengthens muscles and increases their mass, reduces the amount of adipose tissue, lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol and eliminates sleep problems. The male version of HRT is an injection of testosterone prolongatum (an ampoule once a week or two every two weeks). The doctor may also choose an omnaderm, in which case one injection is taken once a month. Both drugs are prescription and monthly treatment costs moneya dozen or so zlotys.

    • DHEA against atherosclerosis and adipose tissue

HRT for men also includes the use of the growth hormone, i.e. DHEA. Research shows that taking it allows you to significantly lower the level of "bad" cholesterol and increase the level of "good" cholesterol. DHEA also helps to increase muscle mass and strengthen them, and to reduce body fat. It has been proven that it has antiatherosclerotic properties, positively stimulates the immune system, and strengthens bones (prevents osteoporosis). It improves well-being and has a good effect on sex drive and the ability to obtain and maintain an erection. DHEA also causes more hydration and lubrication of the skin, making it less dry and more tense.

    • Melatonin protects against disease and insomnia

It is known primarily for making it easier to fall asleep. But melatonin therapy also helps to maintain potency, strengthens immunity, protects against prostatic hyperplasia, increases the body's ability to find and remove free radicals that damage the he althy cells of individual organs.

    • Somatropin for better condition of the whole body

The advantages of growth hormone therapy, i.e. somatotropin, include reducing body fat, improving bone density, lowering blood pressure, better heart and lung function, increasing (through better hydration) skin elasticity. The result of growth hormone therapy is also easier healing of wounds, a significant strengthening of immunity and a reduction in the level of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and an increase in "good" (HDL) cholesterol. Somatropin improves mood, visual acuity, makes the man less aggressive.

HRT is not for everyone

The endocrinologist or andrologist always decides about the use of testosterone. It cannot be used by men suffering from polycythemia vera, prostate or breast cancer. Before a man starts taking HRT, he must balance the benefits and risks together with his doctor. The arguments in favor of using HRT will be the improvement of well-being, memory, sexual performance, etc. Against - faster growth and the possibility of developing prostate cancer. The effect of testosterone therapy is also polycythemia (excessive number of red blood cells). If a decision is made to use the therapy, a series of basic tests (blood count, ESR, urinalysis) should be performed and the concentration of testosterone in the blood should be determined. The indication for the administration of this hormone is a decrease in its level below 4 pg / l. It is necessary to examine the rectal (through the anus) of the prostate gland and analyze the concentration of PSA, i.e. the markerprostate. Sometimes it is necessary to perform a biopsy to rule out the presence of cancerous cells. In such situations, you can never be too careful, because an increase in testosterone levels could accelerate the neoplastic process in the prostate gland. Men who take HRT should see a urologist for check-ups every six months and regularly visit an endocrinologist or andrologist.

Andropauza appears unexpectedly

Male menopause (male involution) comes unnoticed. It is difficult to capture the moment when something disturbing starts to happen. This is a trap into which men who are not very keen on controlling their he alth often fall into. Regularly, only those who are required by the employer visit doctors' offices. Most men see a doctor only when they have depression, erectile dysfunction or notice a significant deterioration in intellectual performance.

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