Inflammation of the patellofemoral joint is also known as a kinomancer's knee. Its symptoms most often appear when sitting for a long time with bent knees, for example during a movie screening - hence the common name. Kinoman's knee is a serious condition that, if left untreated, can even lead to osteoarthritis of the knee joint. What are the causes and treatment of kinomancer's knee? What is treatment and rehabilitation?
Inflammation of the patellofemoral joint( kinomana's knee ) is inflammation of the part of the knee that is between the kneecap and the anterior part of the surface articular femur. Of all the joints of the entire body, it is the patellofemoral joint that carries the greatest loads, which can exceed up to 12 times the weight of a human body. The load on the joint is particularly high when performing squats, aerobics or squash. A properly functioning knee can handle it without any problems, but there are factors that damage the cartilage surfaces in the patellofemoral joint.
Inflammation of the patellofemoral joint (kinomani's knee) - causes and risk factors
The most common causes of inflammation of the patellofemoral joint are uneven knee work and muscle contractures. Then the kneecap is unevenly loaded, which causes pain. This problem mainly affects people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, whose knees are always bent.
Women who wear high-heeled shoes are also at risk of developing the disease. Walking in high heels means that the knees are not fully straightened, which causes permanent stress on the patellofemoral joint.
Damage to the patellofemoral joint may also contribute to a defect in the structure of the knee - the lateral attachment of the patellar ligament on the tibia.
Inflammation of the patellofemoral joint (kinoman's knee) - symptoms
Inflammation of the patellofemoral joint initially gives a feeling of discomfort that occurs while sitting. Then a change of position brings relief. However, as the disease progresses, the following appear:
- crackling, scratching, and even shooting inside the knee, which increases when the knee is bent, i.e. duringwalking up stairs, doing squats or frog swimming;
- knee pain, which occurs when you sit for a long time with your knees bent or when you bend your knee (e.g. climbing stairs), is located at the front of the knee or on the side of the kneecap and is relieved by standing up and taking a few steps;
Inflammation of the patellofemoral joint - serious complications
Untreated inflammation of the patellofemoral joint can lead to articular cartilage damage and articular disease of the knee joint.
Inflammation of the patellofemoral joint (kinomani's knee) - diagnosis
The diagnosis is made on the basis of an interview, physical examination of the patient and possible X-ray of the knee.
During the diagnosis, the doctor should exclude other diseases that manifest themselves very similarly, such as: lateral patellar pressure, Hoffa's body inflammation or synovitis.
Inflammation of the patellofemoral joint (kinomani's knee) - treatment and rehabilitation
The basic form of treatment is to relieve the knee and perform special exercises to properly stretch and strengthen the muscles. In addition, you can take medications to reduce the pain. Physics-co-te-ra-pia and kinesiotaping can also be helpful.
If treatment is not successful, you may need arthroscopy of the knee. The operation involves inserting a device called an arthroscope (it is a high-definition camera with its own light source) through two small incisions in the area around the joint. The surgeon follows the image sent from the device on the monitor. Using special miniature tools, it repairs damaged cartilage surfaces.
After the procedure, the patient usually comes home on the same day or the next day. There may be swelling and discomfort within the joint for several weeks. After the oration, rehabilitation may take up to 6 months.