Breast cancer remains the most common malignant neoplasm in women. His speech is favored by, inter alia, genetic conditions, but also the use of certain medications or an inadequate diet. The sooner breast cancer treatment is started, the greater the chances of the patient's recovery. For this reason, it is worth knowing the possible symptoms of breast cancer, the suspicion of which is an absolute indication for appropriate diagnostic tests.

Breast cancer(aka breast cancer) is one of the most common malignant neoplasms found in women worldwide. It is estimated that almost2 million patientsk fall on it during the year, and in Poland, according to statistics, every year the disease is diagnosed in almost20 thousand Polish women.

Nipple cancer is quite often considered a typical female disease, but it is not true. In fact, this problem can occur in both sexes.Male breast canceris much less common than in women. Usually, the prognosis of such patients is not very good.

Breast cancer: causes and risk factors

There are relatively many risk factors for breast cancer. One of the basic ones is female gender ( 99% of cases of this disease are found in women ).

The second risk factor is age. The older the patient is, the greater the risk of developing the disease. The peak incidence of breast cancer is between the ages of 50 and 69.

Other risk factors for breast cancer include:

  • genetic burden (mutations that particularly predispose to this disease are mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes),
  • early onset and late end of menstruation,
  • breast diseases (e.g. sclerosing endometriosis),
  • diseases of other organs (patients with endometrial cancer have an increased risk of breast cancer),
  • exposure to ionizing radiation,
  • no previous pregnancies,
  • use of oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy,
  • excess body weight (both obese and overweight).

Nipple cancer: symptoms

In the initial stage of advancementbreast cancer is usually asymptomatic. Only later, with the passing of time from getting sick, more and more distinct symptoms of this disease may appear.

One of the most frequently observed ailments by patients is the appearance oflumpwithin the breast. It is often detected accidentally, e.g. while taking a bath.

Typically lesions of this kind are painless and have an irregular surface. However, their size can be very different.

Among the ailments that are symptoms of breast cancer - apart from the presence of a palpable lump within the breast - one can mention:

  • leakage of contents from the nipple (which may be serous, bloody, or serous-bloody),
  • asymmetry in the size of individual breasts,
  • nipple swelling,
  • breast pain,
  • drawing the skin inside the breast,
  • reddening of the skin of the nipple,
  • changes in the nipple (it may be retracted, and its color may change. Ulcers may appear on it),
  • orange peel symptom (characteristic dimples become clearly visible in the skin of the breast).

These problems are symptoms of breast cancer that affect the breast itself. With the passage of time and the advancement of the disease, the patient may experience many other ailments. It may be, inter alia, to:

  • axillary lymph nodes enlargement,
  • feeling of general fatigue
  • and unplanned weight loss.

Additional symptoms may also appear when breast cancer metastases in some organs. In the case of bone metastases, patients may complain of, for example, severe pain.

Nipple cancer: diagnosis

A patient suspected of having breast cancer should see a doctor as soon as possible. Initially, you can refer to a primary care physician who will order appropriate tests, and also refer the patient to other specialists, primarily to an oncologist.

The basic tests in the diagnosis of breast cancer are imaging tests, such as mammography and breast ultrasound.

If disturbing changes are found, additional tests are usually ordered, such as, for example, magnetic resonance imaging, thanks to which it is possible to determine the stage of the disease and detect possible metastases.

A breast biopsy is also performed, during which material for histopathological examination is obtained. Thanks to them, it is possible to precisely determine the type of breast cancer, which in turn has an impactto choose the appropriate treatment for a given patient.

Nipple cancer: treatment

Rapidly initiated breast cancer treatment increases the patient's chances of recovery. In the case of this malignant tumor, many different methods are used, especiallysurgical treatment .

As far as possible,sparing treatment is used , based on the removal of the neoplastic lesion itself.

Sometimes, however - usually in the case of a significant advancement of the disease - it may be necessary to perform a radical surgery involvingremoval of the breast(procedure referred to as mastectomy).

Surgical treatment of breast cancer is not the only method of treating this disease. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are also used, as well as more modern methods, such as hormonal treatment or immunotherapy.

Nipple cancer: prognosis

The prognosis of breast cancer patients depends on how quickly treatment is started. The severity of the disease also plays an important role.

For example,the 5-year survival ratefor small, limited changes is even99% . However, when the patient has spread the disease (multiple organ metastases), this indicator drops to28% .

Nipple cancer: prevention

Nipple cancer can be considered a dangerous and insidious disease due to the fact that it is initially asymptomatic and it is really difficult to diagnose it.

This is why it is important to take actions that are not only aimed at reducing the risk of this disease, but the effect of which is also to diagnose it as early as possible.

The basic activity should be regular, self-examination of the breasts, which patients can perform at home.

During the breast self-examination, pay attention to possible symptoms of breast cancer, such as the aforementioned lumps or breast asymmetry.

It is also necessary to undergo imaging examinations on a regular basis. This is primarily about mammography.

Patients in whose families many women have had breast cancer may decide to undergo genetic testing in order to find out if they have mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

The detection of any of the mentioned mutations does not mean that the patient will develop breast cancer. Mutations do increase the risk of disease, but they do not lead to disease directly. Knowing about the genetic burden is intended to increase the vigilance of both patients and caregiversher doctors.

In order to reduce the risk of breast cancer, it is also worth remembering about the general principles of a he althy lifestyle. We are talking about regularly undertaking physical activity, a balanced, varied diet or avoiding harmful stimulants.

  • Paget's disease of the nipple (Paget's breast cancer) - causes, symptoms and treatment
  • Male breast cancer - causes, symptoms, treatment and prognosis
  • Cancer blood test detects BRCA mutations
  • Breast skin diseases: causes, symptoms, treatment
