When you are scheduled to have a caesarean section, your doctor will most likely offer you a spinal anesthetic. It is a type of regional anesthesia consisting in a single administration of an anesthetic to the spinal canal. Spinal anesthesia is an effective and safe way to numb labor.

Spinal anesthesia , which is performed whencaesarean sectionisplanned , involves a single injection of the anesthetic. It is safer than an epidural, which involves inserting a thin catheter into the space between the meninges surrounding the lumbar spine and administering successive doses of anesthetic through the catheter. Importantly, in the case of spinal anesthesia, the volume of the drug is administered several times smaller than into the epidural space. Anesthesia begins to develop after approximately 5 minutes (often at the time of administration). 20 minutes after the administration, the patient is anesthetized.

Spinal anesthesia: benefits

  • the woman in labor is conscious all the time, she can talk to doctors and midwives, and see the baby right after birth
  • excludes choking
  • improves the parameters of blood flow through the placenta and uterus
  • there is no need for intubation - independent breathing of the birthing child reduces the risk of hypoxia of the baby

Besides, thanks to spinal anesthesia for about 4 hours after the cesarean section, no pain is felt, there is also no nausea or vomiting. When the anesthesia wears off, the digestive system starts working faster.

Subarachnoid anesthesia: course

Pain during the administration of spinal anesthesia is comparable to a normal intravenous injection. The woman in labor is connected to a control device and a drip. The puncture can be performed while seated or in a sideways position. There is pain as soon as the anesthesia wears off. The average time of painlessness after cesarean section under spinal anesthesia is approximately 3 hours. Lying down prevents headaches, it lasts on average about 6 hours after cesarean section - it all depends on the drug administered during anesthesia.However, you should not bend your head to your chest and make sudden forward bends.

Subarachnoid anesthesia and breastfeeding

Drugs used for spinal anesthesia do not pass into the milk. The only inconvenience is the need to keep a horizontal position and not raise the head, but it is possible to feed the baby.

Effects of spinal anesthesia on the child

The effect of drugs used in spinal anesthesia is minimal, provided that adequate anesthetic supervision is carried out at all times.

Spinal anesthesia: contraindications

  • a state of sudden threat to the life of the mother or child
  • drop in maternal blood pressure
  • meningitis
  • sepsis, sepsis, i.e. blood poisoning
  • infection of the skin puncture site
  • blood diseases that cause prolonged clotting
  • diseases of the central nervous system
  • hemorrhage

Anesthesia for childbirth

What forms of pain relief can the woman in labor take advantage of? Listen to our expert.
