Beans, due to their nutritional properties, are sometimes called "vegetarian meat". You can prepare it in several ways. Here are some recipes.

Salad with jasmine, bacon and mushrooms

Ingredients : 20 grams of "Jas" beans, 20 grams of small mushrooms, 10 grams of smoked bacon, 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of tarragon vinegar, 1 teaspoon of mustard , 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, 1/2 flat teaspoon honey, s alt, pepper.

Boil the previously soaked beans until soft, drain them and cool them down.

Slice the mushrooms and add to the beans. Use the oil, honey, vinegar, s alt and pepper to make a sauce and pour it over the vegetables.

Dice the bacon and fry until tender. Add together with the fat to the beans with mushrooms. Sprinkle the whole with parsley.


Ingredients : 1/2 kg of ground beef, 1 can of chopped tomatoes, 1 can of red beans, 2 tbsp olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 container of thick cream , s alt, pepper, hot pepper, parsley Pancakes: 1 egg, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup sparkling water, approx. 2/3 cup corn flour, s alt.

Beat the egg with milk and water, sprinkle with enough flour to obtain a dough with the consistency of yoghurt, and s alt it.

Fry the pancakes in a frying pan smeared with olive oil and set aside in a warm place.

Put chopped garlic and minced meat on hot oil, add drained tomatoes. Fry together for five minutes, add the beans. Season to taste with s alt, pepper and hot pepper, mix until the stuffing thickens a bit. Put three spoons for each pancake, roll it up and put it on a plate.

Garnish with a blot of cream and sprinkle with parsley. You can also bake burritos after sprinkling with grated spicy cheese.

Sandwich bean paste

Ingredients : 20 grams (or 1 can) of cooked white beans, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of fresh chopped rosemary, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, juice of 1 lemon, s alt and black pepper To garnish: black olives, a small red pepper.

Drain the cooked beans and cool them down. Rinse canned beans with cold water and drain thoroughly.

Mix the beans with garlic, olive oil and lemon juice. Season with s alt and pepper to taste.

After putting it into a bowl, decorate it with thin strips of red pepper and olives.We serve it with fresh bread.

Bean marzipan

Ingredients : 1 cup of beans, 25 grams of powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of cream to thin the mass, 25 ml of rum, almond oil.

Pour boiled, cooled down water over the "jasmine" and leave it aside for 12 hours. Cook until soft.

Peel the drained and cooled beans from the skins. Mix with powdered sugar, lemon juice, rum and almond oil. If the mixture is too thick, add 2 tablespoons of cream.

This marzipan is perfect for arranging cakes, cakes and decorating mazurkas.

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