This year definitely belongs to Katarzyna Kowalik. In May, she won the European Championship, and recently took 5th place at the World Bikini Fitness Championships held in Spain.
Katarzyna Kowalik, who comes from Tarnowskie Góry, proves that nothing is impossible. At the World Championships, the 47-year-old proudly presented a body that many young girls can envy. Her age and cancer did not prevent her from making her dreams come true.
"I really wanted to do this. Show myself what I can do and show that age is just a number. Now I know that this whole journey has changed my character and I'm glad I didn't leave "- says the player.
Katarzyna Kowalik took up sport after a serious cancer that she had to deal with 10 years ago. After the long struggle for her he alth, she came out physically weak, but she decided that she would not waste a moment of her life. This is how her adventure with sport began, which led her to the world championships. She worked for two years to achieve her present appearance.
"The entire preparation period was associated with hard training and a very strict diet, but I did not miss a single training session. I didn't make any dietary mistakes, although the beginnings were difficult. I remember that I even dreamed that I was eating delicious sweet delicacies, or that I was so hungry that I couldn't sleep "- recalls Katarzyna Kowalik.
This is not the first success of the competitor. Katarzyna Kowalik is the current European veteran bikini fitness champion. He also has medals in powerlifting and bench press.

Bikini fitness - this is a category of body sports for women. From the players, it requires an iron discipline both in terms of a strict diet and heavy, regular training. The result of the preparations is the presentation of a sculpted figure that should be subtle and feminine. Female athletes are much less muscular than in bodybuilding.
The judges evaluate a number of elements, such as skeletal bone proportions, muscle visibility, low body fat, and grace of movement.
Katarzyna Kowalik is a graduate of the Medical School and the Warsaw Academy of Sport. Since 2014, he has been conducting personal trainings. He specializesin strength training, because he believes that they have a positive effect on he alth, and additionally improve the appearance of people of all ages. Her oldest clients are over 70! The second passion, apart from sport, is dietetics. She has undergone specialized training in nutrition and supplementation in sports and recreation.