Larch (Larix Mill.), Administered in the form of syrups or tinctures, helps soothe digestive and urinary system disorders, viral infections, rheumatic pains, skin problems, and strengthens the immune system. What are the other he alth-promoting properties of larch?
Larch( LarixMill.), And above all its he alth-promoting properties, have been known for centuries and used in folk medicine.
The Slavs treated larch with special reverence, because they believed that it adds energy, strengthens vitality, has a positive effect on the mood. It symbolized renewal, perseverance, but also youth and the joy of life.
To this day, people who believe in the good energy of trees believe that walking or resting in the shade of larch, embracing or touching its trunk soothes the nervous system.
- TREES improve well-being and have a healing effect
In addition, it facilitates decision-making, allows you to set life priorities, helps to reject what is unnecessary at a given moment in order to say goodbye to the past and look optimistically into the future.
There are over a dozen species of this tree all over the world, while in our country there is a European larch and its variety - Polish larch.
Larch naturally occurs in mountainous areas, but as a result of planting it has also spread to lowland areas.
The trees grow up to a height of about 30-40 meters, they have quite a spreading crown. They do well in a temperate climate, are resistant to frost or other changing weather conditions.
They should be planted in sunny places, although it must be remembered that they react badly to a prolonged drought. Due to the high content of resin, larch is a durable tree, it does not easily undergo fungal growth or decay.
Larch: pine cones, resin, bark and needles for he alth
For pro-he alth purposes, young, green cones, resin, sometimes bark and needles are used, which are the source of:
- tannins
- flavonoids
- terpenoids (resin acids)
thanks to which they show effect:
- anti-inflammatory
- antibacterial
- antiseptic
- diuretic
Extracting raw materials from larch for medicinal purposes should be carried out inspecified time.
Young shoots are collected at the beginning of spring, cones at the turn of May and June, when they are still green, resin in May-October, it is best to obtain it from trees, where it flows naturally, because any unprofessional tree incision can end the fact that it will be more susceptible to fungi, mold or other diseases.
Larch: when and how to use?
Larch liqueurs and syrupsare widely used. They are perfect for viral infections and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
They are also used in digestive system disorders (e.g. flatulence) and when dealing with intestinal problems, because they regulate the bacterial flora.
They have a diuretic and cleansing effect, and they also strengthen the immune system, so it is worth using them in periods of increased susceptibility to viruses and bacteria, especially in the autumn and winter period.
Larch preparations can also be used externally because they have disinfecting and warming properties.
They will bring relief when we have a sore throat, we struggle with diseases of the oral cavity (e.g. bleeding gums), skin problems (e.g. festering wounds), rheumatic pains, myositis, neuralgia.
Larch: how to prepare tinctures and syrups?
Larch for he alth purposes can be prepared in several ways.
- Larch cone syrup
Make a syrup from the cones - we need half a kilo of green, young cones (you need to wash them thoroughly), which can be easily cut with a knife, and half a kilo of sugar.
Put the ingredients (preferably in layers) in a jar, twist it, place it in a warm place, shake it from time to time so that the cones will release their juice faster.
After about 6-8 weeks, pour the syrup into a smaller bottle, drink one prophylactically, and a maximum of three teaspoons a day during an infection.
- Larch resin tincture
You can just as easily prepare a resin tincture. In this case, pour 100 g of resin with one liter of high-percentage alcohol (preferably over 90%) and leave it in a dark place, shaking from time to time to let the resin dissolve faster.
After approx. 6-8 weeks, it should be filtered to get rid of any possible impurities that may be in the resin. We consume one teaspoon a day.
Larch: contraindications for use
Since larch belongs to the pine family, like pine, inhalation from larch should not be performed by people suffering fromasthma or with serious cardiovascular diseases.
Larch preparations cannot be used by people allergic to this tree, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women.