Pine has many he alth-promoting properties. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pains related to rheumatism, problems with the urinary system and skin ailments - infusions, syrups or oils prepared on the basis of pine will help to alleviate the symptoms of these diseases. The ingredients contained in the pine buds and needles show, among others, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, expectorant, disinfecting and antispasmodic properties.
Pine( PinusL. 1753) belongs to a family of over 100 species of trees and shrubs. Pine trees are found in many parts of the world, and under natural conditions, they grow mainly in Europe and Asia, mainly in the temperate zone.
According to the research of the Bioforsk institute in Norway, it is pine trees that best absorb PM suspended dust that is harmful to he alth, which is responsible for the deterioration of air quality.
They thrive in dry, sandy and sandy loam soils, and at the same time are resistant to changing weather conditions, including temperature fluctuations and frost.
Pine can be found mainly in forests, although it is also commonly planted in city parks, squares and squares, which is why it copes well with urban pollution.
- TREES improve well-being and have a healing effect
In the old folk beliefs, pine played a significant role. It symbolized longevity, he alth, justice, mysticism, courage.
It was considered a tree that restores the vitality of the living, at the same time single pine branches were thrown into the grave for the dead, because it was believed that this way strengthens the immortal soul of the dead.
The pine was worshiped not only by the Slavs, but also by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and played an important role in the culture of China and Japan.
Pine: pro-he alth properties
Pine is a rich source of valuable ingredients, such as:
- flavonoids
- tannins
- mineral s alts
- essential oils
It is thanks to them that the tree exhibits a number of he alth-promoting properties, including: it has the following effect:
- anti-inflammatory
- antibacterial
- expectorant
- disinfecting
- diastolic
- diuretic
Pine: obtaining medicinal raw materials
For healing purposes, the following are used:
- pine buds
- young pine shoots
- pine tar
- pine oil
It should be remembered that obtaining raw materials from pine, from which you can later prepare an infusion, decoction, syrup or oil, must take place in a specific time, e.g. pine buds are best harvested in the early spring, while pine shoots (several centimeters long) covered with a brown husk) in late April or early May.
Pine: use of medicinal preparations
In the right time, broken and properly prepared preparations based on pine will be used for a number of ailments.
Pine preparations should not be used by people allergic to this tree and by pregnant and breastfeeding women.
First of all, they will help to relieve symptoms associated with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. You can use them when you have:
- cold
- bronchitis
- sinusitis
- sore throat
- rhinitis
Pine buds and shootshave an expectorant, antispasmodic and antibacterial effect, while pine oil, obtained from pine needles, has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Pine oiluse not only for respiratory diseases, but also when you have:
- rheumatism
- neuralgia
- problems with the urinary system (e.g. cystitis)
Pine oil is also known for its beneficial effects on the nervous system:
- counteracts fatigue
- mental exhaustion
- adds energy
- has a slightly stimulating effect
For this reason, people who live under stress are recommended to take regular, at least a dozen or so minutes walks among the pines, because they have a relaxing and calming effect.
Pine tar is also used for medicinal purposes - it works primarily in relieving the symptoms of skin diseases, such as seborrhea or psoriasis.
Pine: how to use infusions, decoctions, oils and syrups?
Pine buds, shoots and needles can be prepared in several ways.
- Pine infusion
To make the infusion, we need half a tablespoon of dried pine buds (you need to crush them), which should be poured with one glass of boiling water. Then brew them for about 15-20 minutes, strain and cool them.
It's best to drink two or three tablespoons three times a day.
- Pine stock
We can prepare a stock of pine needles. Two tablespoons of pine needles should be crushed, then pour two glasses of water and bring toboiling.
Cook over low heat for about 10 minutes, then set aside for an hour, drain and drink half a glass two or three times a day.
- Pine syrup
We can prepare a syrup from pine shoots. In a fairly large jar you have to alternate layers of finely chopped young shoots and sugar (approx. 3 teaspoons per layer). Then we close the jar and put it in a warm place for a few days.
- How to make syrup from young pine shoots?
After this time, pour the finished syrup into another smaller jar or bottle, keep it in a cool place and drink one teaspoon three times a day.
- Pine oil
Pine oil, on the other hand, is best to buy ready-made. It can be added in a bath (a few drops) or used as a massage for muscle and joint pain.
Then mix three drops of pine oil with any base oil (e.g. argan, jojoba or olive oil).
In the case of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, inhalations with pine oil can be prepared.
Add a few drops of the essential oil to a bowl or pot of hot water and inhale for 10-20 minutes, covered.
It should be remembered, however, that this type of inhalation should not be performed by people suffering from asthma or serious cardiovascular diseases.