Cherry tincture has many he alth properties. It is especially recommended for people struggling with cardiovascular diseases, especially if the ingredients of cherry vodka are buckwheat honey and sage. Such a mixture improves circulation, lowers blood pressure and stabilizes the work of the heart. Check what other he alth properties cherry tinctures have and how to prepare them. See the original recipes.

Cherry tincturewill work when you have cardiovascular diseases. Cherries support the work of the circulatory system and stabilize the work of the heart. Potassium contained in cherries (222 mg in 100 g) helps to control blood pressure, because it accelerates the excretion of excess sodium from the body (which is responsible for arterial hypertension), and magnesium (11 mg in 100 g) makes the walls of blood vessels elastic and prevents swelling.
In turn, iron (0.36 mg in 100 g) is necessary in the process of carrying oxygen to all cells of the body. For this reason, cherries are recommended for the treatment of anemia.
For people with blood circulation problems, we recommend a cherry tincture with buckwheat honey and sage leaves. Buckwheat honey, like cherries, contains large amounts of iron and other elements positively influencing the work of the circulatory system. In turn, sage improves blood circulation and thus increases the efficiency of the heart.
He alth benefits of cherry leaves
Cherry leavescontain tannins, organic acids and coumarin. In natural medicine, they are used as a diaphoretic. A decoction of young cherry tree twigs - drunk during the day and added to the bath - helps soothe rheumatic pains. In addition to their healing properties, they are also used in the kitchen - they are added to chokeberry or blackcurrant preserves and tinctures, because they remove their bitterness and soothe the taste.
Cherry tincture supports the digestive system
For people who struggle with digestive system problems, we recommend cherry tincture with spices that stimulate the stomach. Cinnamon, cardamom and cloves stimulate the secretion of gastric juices and thus facilitate digestion.
In addition, they cleanse the body of toxins and harmful metabolic products.However, remember that a glass of home tincture (35 - 45 ml) is 100 kcal. Due to the caloric content and alcohol content, be moderate - just drink one glass 30 minutes before lunch.
Wiśniówka can protect against cancer and help reduce fever
In natural medicine, these acidic fruits are appreciated for their anti-cancer properties. They are a rich source of bioflavone - one of the most effective antioxidants. Bioflavone destroys free radicals, thus inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, slows down the aging process and increases the body's resistance.
In addition, the zinc contained in cherries increases immunity, strengthens bones, hair and nails, and phytoestrogens - plant hormones, alleviate the symptoms of menopause and PMS.
In turn, phosphorus strengthens bones, improves the work of the heart and kidneys. Modern phytotherapy recommends the use of cherries because of their antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties - they reduce fever. How to use the tincture to lower the temperature? It is enough to mix 2-3 tablespoons of the tincture in a glass of hot tea and drink the finished preparation once a day.
Recipe for cherry tincture with honey and sage
Pry 2 kg of ripe cherries and collect the remaining juice. Then put the whole thing into a small gander-type vessel, pour 2.5 liters of pure vodka and close it tightly. At the same time, pour 1.5 l of water, 1/4 l of spirit, 1/4 l of buckwheat honey (can also be rapeseed honey) into the jar and add 1.5 kg of sugar and 5 g of dried sage leaves. Close the jar and shake it. Then leave it with the gander for a month in a darkened place. After the honey is completely dissolved, pour the syrup from the jar into the gander and mix thoroughly. Then strain the tincture and pour it into bottles .Close it tightly, set aside in a dark and cool place for another 5-6 months to "mature". Then it is ready to eat.
Recipe for cherry tincture with cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and vanilla
Pry 2 kg of ripe cherries and pour them into a small gander or a tall jar. Add 10 g of ground cinnamon, 10 grains of cardamom, 10 cloves and half a crushed vanilla pod and 0.5 kg of sugar.
Pour the spirit all over it so that it is completely covered (about 1 l) and mix thoroughly. Set aside in a cooler place for at least six months. After this period, strain and pour into bottles.
Recipe for cherry tincture on brandy and rum
1 kg of pitted cherries (they can be frozen) put in a small gander or a balloon-bottle (preferably placed in a wicker basket) and add 0.5 kg of sugar. When the cherries give off their juice and the sugar is melted, add 0.75 liters of brandy and 0.25 literssweet rum and mix thoroughly. Close the vessel and set aside in a dark place for 30 days. After this period, strain, pour into bottles and leave them for 6 months in a darker place.
Recipe for medicinal tincture of fruit and cherry leaves
In 1 liter of cold water, put a kilogram of sugar, a packet of vanilla sugar and put it on the gauze. Put 1 kg of fruit (without seeds) and washed cherry leaves (10 grams) into boiling water. Stir and simmer (uncovered) for 30 minutes. Filter the resulting juice and set aside to cool. Add 0.5 l of spirit to the cooled down drink and mix thoroughly. Pour everything into bottles and close them tightly. Set aside in a dark and cool place. The tincture is ready to eat after half a year of aging.
Don't do thatWhen making cherry vodka, do not use cherry pits because the seeds contain cyan compounds (e.g. poisonous Prussian acid).