After 20 weeks in the mother's womb, the fetus looks almost like a baby, moves smoothly, hears well, smells and tastes, and you can hear its heartbeat even without a medical receiver. Find out what exactly happens to the fetus in the fifth month of pregnancy.

EarlyFifth MonthFetal LifeFetusMeasures approx. 15 cm (from top of head to buttocks) and weighs 180-200 grams . Its head is 1/3 of the body and its face looks more and more human, incl. because eyelashes and eyebrows have already grown. Hair also starts to grow on the head.

The course of pregnancy: in the 5th month, the fetus is covered with fetal fluid

In week 17of pregnancyThe sebaceous glands in your baby's skin produce a yellowish, greasy substance called the fetal fluid, which protects the epidermis from excess amniotic fluid absorption. This protective "mask" covers the baby's skin for the rest of his life in the womb until delivery, and sometimes babies are born with it, especially when they are premature babies. Even though it may not look too nice, freshly baked mums often say that the fetal sludge has … a wonderful smell!

The course of pregnancy: in the 5th month, the most important myelin is produced

At the same time, 17 weeks after conception, another very important fatty protective substance is also produced - the so-called the myelin that covers the nerve fibers and the spinal cord.


How does it look now

After five months of life, the fetus measures approx. 18 cm (parietal-seated length) and weighs 350 g. The eyelids are still fused, but the nostrils that have fused so far have opened. Eyebrows and eyelashes grew on the face, and fingernails are also growing. The skin is less transparent. The whole body is covered with fetal slime.

Myelin acts as an insulation in an electric cable - it prevents the "leakage" of electrical signals and speeds up their journey. The better its quality, the faster the signals travel, and this is essential for the ability to perform coordinated movements. Recent research suggests that myelin plays a major role in intelligence as well. If it is not formed properly, your baby will have neurological problems at birth.

The course of pregnancy: in the 5th month, the senses of the fetus develop

In the 18th week of gestation, the baby begins to develop the senses: hearing, touch, taste and smell(your eyesight will develop at the latest because your eyes will remain closed for a few more weeks). Nerve cells responsible for the work of individual senses are developed in the appropriate parts of the brain, and their organs are also improved. Although the fetus can perceive sounds through the skin as early as 12 weeks after conception, it is only now that the hearing aid is formed to enable normal hearing. The development of the auricles and hardening of the ankles in the middle ear make the baby hear more clearly - as the 20th week of gestation passes, it recognizes the mother's voice and is able to distinguish sounds from outside the uterus from those coming from her body. When a baby is 19 weeks old, taste buds form on his tongue. At the same time, the fused nostrils open and the olfactory receptors begin to work. The child begins to feel tastes and smells - at the beginning, these stimuli are provided by the food eaten by the mother. Research shows that the baby clearly prefers what is sweet - when bitter liquid is introduced into the amniotic fluid, he swallows it much less often (and even apparently makes his face!), And when sweet liquid is added, the frequency of swallowing increases. The degree of development of the brain and nerve fibers allows learning by touch. The baby begins to recognize his face by touching it with his hands, licks his hand and sucks his thumb, touching the uterine walls, umbilical cord and placenta with interest.

You must do it

Talk to your baby

Since your baby starts to hear, try to talk to him - talk to him as often as possible, sing him lullabies, read fairy tales and poems. Based on the fetal response, the researchers concluded that the mother's voice was the favorite sound of the unborn baby. By speaking to him in a warm, calm tone, you will establish the first contact with him, make him happy, and ensure a sense of security and acceptance. The future dad should also talk to the child - his low voice is even easier for the little one to hear. This is a good way to get to know each other, as well as beneficial neurological stimulation.

Pregnancy: halfway through

The neuromuscular connections are well-developed, thanks to which the baby moves intensively and often, and his kicks and turns are usually clearly felt by the mother - in the 20th week after fertilization, almost every pregnant woman can notice her movements. The 20-week-old fetus has reached its halfway point. Interestingly, the length of his body (from the crown to the end of the torso) is now about 18 cm - that's exactly half his birth length. However, the same cannot be said about weight - in the middle of its fetal life, the baby weighs only 350 g. The fetal brain is still developing very quickly. The kidneys work to start producing urine (vtraces), a rectal opening is formed. In boys, the testicles begin to descend from the pelvis to the scrotum, and the first primitive sperm cells are formed in the testicles.


First month - life begins
Second month - human embryo
Third month - begins to move
Fourth month - already has fingerprints
