Goldenrod is a plant whose name suggests that it comes from North America. It has already come to Europe and is slowly starting to replace goldenrod, otherwise known as Polish mimosa. What is worth knowing about Canadian goldenrod?
Canadian goldenrod(LatinSolidago canadensis ) is also known as the Mother of God Tree . This perennial species belongs to the Asteraceae family.
How to recognize Canadian goldenrod?First you should know that it blooms at the end of summer in meadows, fields, pastures and along roads. Therefore, during this period, we can look for it.
Canadian goldenrod can be distinguished from other plants byyellow flowers , which form small baskets of 2-5 pcs. Besides, it is a plant whichwill usually reach a height of around 1.5m . Its stem is bare or covered with tiny hairs, andleaves are lanceolate and pointed at . They have a double structure - they are smooth on the top and mossy on the underside. In the small, single-seeded fruits of Canadian goldenrod there are itsfine seeds .
By the name of the plant, we can guess that it comes from North America, namelysouthern Canada . Nevertheless, Canadian goldenrod is known throughout the continent - from Alaska to Florida and Texas.It is considered an expansive plant , therefore it arouses widespread interest also in Europe and Asia.
goldenrod: properties
Canadian goldenrodis valued for its healing properties . In the past, the Indians prepared an enema from its roots or from the combination of the root and herbthey prepared an extract to strengthen and stimulate the body . A plant from Canada has similar properties to our native goldenrod (the so-called Polish mimosa). It owes them mainly to the content of: flavonoids , saponins, antioxidants and mineral s alts . Thanks to them, Canadian goldenrod shows the effect of:
- antiseptic,
- painkillers,
- anti-inflammatory,
- antitussive,
- diuretic,
- antifungal,
- diaphoretic,
- astringent,
- detoxifying.
Canadian goldenrod: action
Canadian goldenrod is aally in the fight againstvarious ailments , including :
- urinary system (e.g. cystitis, kidney stones, hematuria, proteinuria),
- bronchial asthma,
- flu,
- cough,
- chronic dermatitis,
- bronchitis.
BesidesCanadian goldenrod regulates blood pressure , the work of the digestive system, and cleans the body of toxins. It also helps inrheumatic ailments .
Canadian goldenrod: application
Canadian goldenrod is most oftensubjected to a drying process at a temperature not higher than 40 degrees Celsius . In this version it is the most popular and you can makesyrup, tincture or even honey .
Dried Canadian goldenrod is worth making an infusion, which is recommended for use:
- internal- Canadian goldenrod in the form of herbal tea will help in the treatment ofinflammation of the urinary tractorflu-like symptoms,
- external- compresses of fresh flowers and leaves of Canadian goldenrod are goodfor wounds or mechanical irritation of the skin , but this plant also works well asmouthwash, throat rinseor as a natural remedy for vaginal and fungal infections.
Canadian goldenrod infusionis also used to treat acne . This infusion is worth drinking because of its unique properties.The preparation of a healing drink literally takes a while . All you have to do is pour one tablespoon of dried herb into a glass, pour boiling water over it and leave it to stretch for about 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, we will strain and enjoy a cup of infusion twice a day.
Canadian goldenrod: recipe for tincture
Canadian goldenrod can be used to make a brew, but also atincture that supports :
- treatment of diseases of the urinary system (e.g. inflammation of the urinary tract, nephrolithiasis and bladder stones, hyperplasia of the urinary gland),
- proper functioning of blood vessels,
- regulates metabolism,
- slightly lowers blood pressure.
How to prepareCanadian goldenrod tincture ?
- 50 g dried Canadian goldenrod
- 500 ml of spirit
Preparation method:
- Pour 750 ml of boiling water over the herb and leave it covered for 30 minutes.
- Then strain and add half a liter of spirit.
- Exactlymix, leave until the liquid cools down.
- Drain again andpour into dark glass bottle .
- Canadian goldenrod tincture is ready!
Daily we can take20-30 drops three times a day . Before consumption, the tincture must be diluted with lukewarm water.
- L. Rutkowski,Key to the determination of vascular plants of the Polish lowland,Warszawa: Wyd. Scientific PWN, 2006.
- Z. Podbielkowski,Dictionary of crop plants , Warsaw: PWRiL, 1989.