Is it possible to narrow (atres) the external mouth of the cervix? Yes, yes, so the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age should raise awareness. Lack of menstrual bleeding does not always mean that you are pregnant - it can also be the result of a blockage that prevents the outflow of menstrual blood. What are the reasons for this? How is it treated?
Zstenosisorzflare up of the external cervixmay be a congenital malformation. It can also be acquired, the reasons include:
- treatments performed on the cervix (e.g. electroconization)
- very long natural labor
- inflammation in the uterus
- cancer of this area
Cervical Stenosis: Symptoms
An overgrown external cervical opening is a blockage for monthly blood. As a result of the collection of blood, a congestive hematoma of the uterus (hematometer) is formed. The blood then flows back into the fallopian tubes and then into the peritoneal cavity. The result is severe pain, the possibility of infection (inflammation of the endometrium and appendages, and even the peritoneum) or the development of endometriosis.
In the case of a congenital defect, diagnosis is extremely difficult. Usually, the problem is noticed only when, despite reaching the appropriate age, the patient does not have a menstrual period. Previously, the defect did not cause any characteristic symptoms.
Cervical atresia: diagnosis
Performing a transvaginal ultrasound or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the pelvis in the diagnosis is helpful.
Cervical atresia: treatment
A procedure is performed to restore communication between the uterine cavity and the vagina. For this purpose, after prior anesthesia of the patient, the external opening of the cervix is searched for with the help of a special probe. He then extends them using tools called Hegars. A drain is left in the cervical canal for a few days after the procedure. To assess the success of therapy, the patient should be monitored during her period. Blood should be freely evacuated from the uterus.
Amenorrhea: reasons for a missed period
You can have a missed period for a variety of reasons. The most obvious is pregnancy, but the lack of a period is also due to hormonal disorders, stress, and thyroid diseasesor intensive weight loss. Our expert talks about the causes of amenorrhea - listen to Ewelina Śliwka-Zapaśnik, a gynecologist from the LUX MED Center.