The alkaline (alkaline) diet is intended for everyone who wants to lose weight without pain and sacrifice. You only need to eat foods that neutralize the acid levels in the body. They can be eaten in any quantity. What should lunch in an alkaline diet look like? Recipes.

Alkaline lunchshould meet energy needs for the rest of the day and restore acid-base balance.

Perfect alkaline diet dinner:

Alkaline diet lunch idea 1

Falafel, chickpeas cutlets seasoned with paprika, caraway and coriander. Chickpea balls are best fried in olive oil. We can add green salad to the cutlets.

Alkaline diet lunch idea 2

Steamed cod, potatoes, salad with green vegetables that deacidify the organism (preferably broccoli and peas).

Alkaline diet lunch idea 3

Tomato soup cooked in chickpeas broth. We replace traditional rice with alkalizing quinoa. Decorate it with parsley.

This will be useful to you

Drinking fluids before and during meals dilutes gastric juices, and thus disrupts the digestive process. In addition, even beneficial fluids such as green tea and lemon wedge water on an empty stomach will reduce protein absorption. Therefore, any liquids should preferably be consumed one hour before the start of lunch.
