In the second day after delivery, the mother's and baby's bodies undergo intense changes. A newborn baby learns to live in completely different conditions than before, and you return to the state you had before pregnancy. What can you expect on the second day after giving birth?
Mom - second day after delivery
- You are starting to experience lower abdominal pains, caused by uterine contractions. It is evidenced by her urging - within six weeks she will return to pre-pregnancy . The pains worsen during breastfeeding, as oxytocin is released from the pituitary gland. It influences the secretion of milk from the breast glands and causesuterine contractions . Fortunately, they are only painful in the first few days. It is felt more strongly by women whose uterine muscles are more stretched, e.g. after many births or after a twin pregnancy. If the pain is very troublesome, you can use mild painkillers (e.g. paracetamol), of course in consultation with your doctor.
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Child - second day after delivery
- Although you think your baby is looking around curiously or is responding to your voice, it's important to be aware of your baby's underdeveloped senses. A newborn can see blurry and foggy, and objects smaller than 45 cm in size are not noticed by him. Eyeball movements are uncoordinated and the eyes act independently of each other, so don't get scared if you notice your baby squinting every now and then.
- In the first days, the newborn does not react to sound stimuli of low intensity. This is due to the fact that his ear canals are covered with exfoliated epithelium and liniment. They usually disappear after a few days. The baby reacts to loud sounds with a change in the pace of breathing and shaking of the body.
- The sense of smell is still underdeveloped, while the newborn is sensitive to flavors from birth. He distinguishes between sweet taste - which makes him suck - and sour, bitter, s alty, which can inhibit this reflex.
- Physiological jaundice appears most often in the second day of life, which indicates the immaturity of the liver. Then, the blood of the newborn shows an increased concentration of bilirubin in the plasma. Its level is constantly tested in order not to exacerbate the disease. During this time, the whites of the eyes, face and even the whole body may appear yellow, and the baby may also besleepy and have less appetite. Most often, the bilirubin level drops quite quickly and after a few days physiological jaundice resolves spontaneously.
Don't expect your baby to look like a smiling baby from a diaper ad after giving birth. It may happen that:
- the head will have a pointed, elongated or slightly deformed shape right after delivery; will be rounded in the next two weeks;
- skin is red and wrinkled, covered with fetal fluid;
- nipples may be slightly swollen and red (also in boys), sometimes clear fluid flows out of them - this is the result of increased levels of female hormones that have entered the baby's bloodstream from the mother's body;
- hair - you can see a fluff covering not only the skull, but also the backs, arms and ears; the fetal hair, i.e. the first hairs, will precipitate within 6-8 weeks, and in their place will appear (sometimes after a few months) hair, the thickness, thickness and color of which may change with the age of the child.