Gerontology is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge that deals with all the problems of an aging person. Its name is derived from words of Greek origin (geras - old age, geron - old man or sage, logos - science). Who is a gerontologist and what does he do?
Gerontologyis often confused with geriatrics, but the concepts are not identical. A geriatrician only deals with conditions that appear in older people.
Gerontology focuses on social, psychological and logistic problems, he alth prophylaxis, living conditions, and analyzes the needs of the elderly.
In other words, gerontology deals with all the non-medical problems that may arise in old age. Such a broad understanding of the needs of the older generation means that not only a doctor can become a specialist gerontologist.
Gerontology: more and more needs
According to the NIPH-PZH report "The he alth situation of the Polish population and its conditions", Polish citizens are younger than the inhabitants of most European Union countries. But this difference will gradually disappear and in the middle of the century the percentage of people aged 65 and over in Poland will be clearly higher than the average for the EU countries. So, as a society, we are aging.
A statistical Pole lives for almost 82 years, and a Pole for almost 74. Men live 82% of life he althy, and women 77%. Women make up more than half of the population. Among people aged 65, there are 157 women per 100 men.
Life expectancy of the inhabitants of Poland is still clearly shorter than the EU average. For men, by 4.2 years and for women by 1.7 years.
The current life expectancy of Polish men is equal to that of other Europeans 15 years ago. This, of course, translates into he alth, social and social problems that we will have to deal with.
Gerontology: active seniors
The image of a contemporary senior is far from the image of a grandmother sitting in an armchair and knitting sweaters for the whole family, perpetuated over the years. It's a past. Elderly people, also after retirement, want to be active, they want to travel, play sports, learn.
Unfortunately, not everyone is good at planning their day and taking on new challenges. In many familiesthe needs of older people are marginalized, and the seniors themselves are removed from making decisions as if they were unnecessary to anyone.
Seniors need not only medical care, but also a lot of support and proper satisfaction of their needs. This is what gerontologists should deal with.
Gerontologist, that is who?
It is a specialist who is able to focus not only on the ailments of an elderly person, but also on their psychological and social needs, living conditions, and also make sure that they spend their free time in an attractive way.
It is also important to make young people aware that the life experiences and knowledge of older people can be very useful both in the family and in the broadly understood society.
Who can become a gerontologist?
It should be a person with a lot of empathy, easy to connect with, and fond of older people. The gerontologist should be seen as a senior counselor who will take care of their needs. He is an animator of an active, he althy and satisfying way of life.
Experts believe that a person who has completed at least the 1st degree of studies can become a gerontologist. They should demonstrate knowledge in the field of biology, social sciences (psychology, pedagogy, sociology), as well as tourism and recreation.
Gerontologist: profession of the future
Gerontology is still developing in Poland. But more and more universities are opening such courses as part of postgraduate studies. Studies with such a profile can be undertaken, among others. at the Pomeranian Medical University, at the University of Wrocław, Warsaw and at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.
Currently, every fifth European is 60 years old or older, and experts predict that by 2050 this number may even double. The aging of the population means that more and more seniors will need support in the future.