For about 12 years, with a lot of tension or nervousness, mainly when speaking in a public forum, my head is shaking especially. Sometimes, when the stress is very high, it is noticeable to others and it is difficult to control. I have noticed that these symptoms are stronger than they used to be. I have been smoking cigarettes for 7 years, can it also be related to it? What could it be? Is it possible to somehow prevent this and should I also ask the psychiatrist the question? Such conditions can be treated pharmacologically or psychologically?
Head tremoris a neurological disorder, very often it is part of a disease calledessential tremor . It is a disease that is often hereditary, it does not cause such severe symptoms as Parkinson's disease, often very slowly this trembling increases over time and always nervousness, the state of tension increases the tremor. The treatment is not very effective and it is introduced only when the patient is disturbed by trembling (treated with the drug for hypertension - propranolol). If you are a young person, Wilson's disease should also be ruled out, because it often begins with such tremors.
Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.
Beata TarnackaHead of the Rehabilitation Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw.
Member of the Polish Neurological Society, Polish Society for Atherosclerosis Research, Polish Society of Clinical Neurophysiology and Polish Rehabilitation Society.
Specializes in neurology and neurological rehabilitation of people adults.
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