The best results in the treatment of obesity, the so-called abdominal activity combines physical training with a proper diet. Merely changing the diet is less effective. You have to start practicing. We suggest what exercises will help you get rid of abdominal obesity.
Withobesity, the so-called abdominalthe abdominal muscles are usually very weak and begin to pull apart. Therefore, visceral fat enters the subcutaneous layers.Exercisesstrengthening these parts of the body (scissors, a bicycle in a lying position or abduction of the legs) will improve the outline of the figure and accelerate fat burning.
10,000 steps instead of a thousand
Man has a body designed to walk, run, but not sit. Therefore, for the proper functioning of the body, it should take 10,000 steps a day. However, many people are limited to the minimum amount of exercise, which is a thousand steps, and some do not even achieve this result. Unfortunately, too little physical activity will not help to get rid of excess body fat.
In people suffering from obesity, especially obesity, the so-called abdominal physical activity must be greater. It is recommended to train at least 4 times a week for 30-60 minutes. Many people will find it unrealistic due to numerous professional and family responsibilities. But remember that all forms of physical activity are included in this period, including e.g. a long walk with the dog, washing the car by hand, walking 1, 2 stops, dancing, climbing stairs.
Aerobic training is essential in the treatment of abdominal obesity
Aerobic (endurance) exercise is especially recommended because the blood supplies a lot of oxygen to the heart and lungs during such exercise. During aerobic training, muscle activity increases: you breathe faster, your heart rate increases. Cardiovascular endurance increases, i.e. you improve your condition, and muscle endurance - muscles are getting stronger. The greater their mass, the easier it is to maintain a he althy body weight.
Aerobic exercise is performed at a steady pace for at least 30 minutes because it is only after 20 minutes of exercise that your body begins to burn fat. Therefore, the training should be extended to 40 minutes. And that it should be preceded by a warm-up (reduces the risk of injury) and finished with stretching the muscles (it helps, among others, to avoidsourdoughs), you need to devote about 60 minutes to physical effort.
Theaerobic exerciseincludes, among others brisk walking, jogging, cycling, dancing (e.g. rumba), latino aerobics, aqua aerobics and swimming. The last two forms of exercise are recommended for people with severe obesity (BMI 40+) and extremely obese (BMI 60+), because they do not burden the joints. It's a good idea to include some resistance (strength) in your aerobic training, which strengthens and builds up your muscles. The greater their mass, the faster fat is burned. In addition, it is worth booking some time for exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles (in people with obesity, the straight muscles are apart, so visceral fat "spills out" to the outside) and the back (due to the overloaded spine).
Keep your heart rate right while exercising!
The fat burning process works best with moderate, but prolonged and frequent exercise. Heart rate during exercise should not exceed 60-70 percent. your maximum exercise heart rate. Stick to this rule, because breaking it can cause cardiovascular events, including a heart attack. You have swimming pools, gyms and fitness clubs at your disposal that offer many forms of aerobic training. You can use various devices, such as treadmills, oars, cross trainers, spinning (stationary bike), take part in group activities, exercise a little in the gym. There is a lot to choose from! If you are exercising individually, using different devices (especially gyms), ask the trainer to teach you how to do the exercises correctly so as not to hurt yourself.
This will be useful to youMeasure your optimal heart rate
During exercise, you should not exceed 60-70 percent. maximum heart rate. So what should it be? First, determine your maximum exercise heart rate - from 220, subtract your age. If you are 40 it is 180. Now calculate what it is 60-70. percent this number. In your case, your heart rate during exercise should be 108-126.
Movement will slim down not only the stomach
Motor activity is similar to a drug, therefore, just like a drug, it should be carefully selected and dosed. Otherwise, it may have more negative than positive effects. Some types of physical activity are safe and can be used even by the elderly (e.g. Nordic walking, walking, quiet dancing). In the case of others, it will be useful to consult not only a doctor, but also a trainer. If you're dealing with a professional, he'll do an interview first. He will ask about previous diseases, current ailments, blood pressure, condition of the joints, and check physical efficiency. Onlythen he will suggest forms of training adapted to your physical abilities and state of he alth. Consult the trainer, especially when you are in mature age, lead a sedentary lifestyle, have chronic diseases. He will choose the right type of training and will gradual its intensity. But the exercises should be fun for you, otherwise it will become a pain. Therefore, if you do not like them, ask him to choose a different type of physical activity for you.
ImportantWhat matters is regularity, not intensity of exercise
There is no need to multiply arguments in favor of increasing physical activity. You have to move, force the body to exercise. After all, the greatest "consumer" of energy from food are muscles, and therefore exercise accelerates the loss of excess body weight. It also improves the lipid profile, glucose tolerance, lowers blood pressure, and thus reduces metabolic disorders. But everyday housework, even tiring ones, will not give such an effect. They do not cause beneficial metabolic changes that accelerate fat burning or improve the body's efficiency. But it is also not about intense sports, exhausting training in the gym.
It is believed that for people with obesity and metabolic syndrome, it is advisable to exerciseat least 30 minutes a day . But the most important thing is to start moving more. Studies have shown that increasing energy expenditure by as little as 4 kcal / kg of body weight per week (in the case of a person weighing 100 kg it is 40 kcal) improves the body's efficiency and reduces waist circumference. Thus, even a slight increase in physical activity contributes to the treatment of obesity. The greater the dose of movement, the faster and better the effect. However, Krakow was not built in a day. Increase your effort gradually. If you like walking, buy a pedometer and set a goal: 10,000. steps a day, and stubbornly strive for it. supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.
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