Fat children often have fat parents. Or those who are constantly struggling with excess weight and use different diets. Inherited a tendency to gain weight? Most likely not, they also love sweets and don't like gymnastics, and their diet leaves a lot to be desired.

The feeding instinct is a beautiful and terrible habit at the same time, says Professor Tomasz Romer, an endocrinologist at the Children's Memorial He alth Institute in Warsaw. Mothers and grandmothers will take food from their mouths to feed the baby. If they are hungry themselves, it is an exhilarating gesture. But if they force their food intochildfull, because they think they need it, then such care is exaggerated.

Feeding, like everything else, requires moderation. The professor reminds us that we most often eat about 30 percent. more than our body can use (burn).

And it happens only because our life is becoming more and more comfortable, in many activities we are replaced by devices and machines and we do not have to spend as much energy as several dozen years ago. Our appearance depends on our lifestyle. Babies are a great example of this.

Most often, they are chubby, because they do not move much, only when they start to crawl - in the ninth or tenth month of life - they slowly lose the rolls of fat. Two- or three-year-olds become thin because at this age it is difficult to sit still. Only some, most often overfed by their parents, growoverweight .

Obesity - the problem of getting younger

The statistics are alarming - 1/3 of infants and young children have an abnormal body weight and this percentage is not falling, 30 percent. of first-graders are overweight or obese, about 20% of teenagers.

Doctors warn that it is better to prevent obesity than to fight it. - The body protects itself against losing every kilogram - explains prof. Romer. So let's avoid unnecessary kilograms when we are slim! If we missed the matter and now we need to lose the child's weight, remember that it should not be a miracle diet. - It is to receive the same food as before, only less caloric, and therefore, above all, containing less fat and sweetness - says prof. Romer. - After a few months it will lose weight. He cannot lose weight rapidly because he is growing fast. Adults need to make sure that their offspring is sustained for some timebody weight at the same level - adds the endocrinologist. It is also important that losing weight does not cause additional stress: - The child should still associate eating with pleasure, not sacrifice - suggests prof. Romer.

Over 30 percent young children have an abnormal body weight

Source: Lifestyle.newseria.pl


Avoid making dietary mistakes

Don't feed your baby every time he cries;the breast is not a sedative ; Babies are not only whining when they are hungry; if you are making mixes, don't put in more powder than needed. Don'tinsist that the child empties the entire bottleę each time. Do not speed up the feeding rate by enlarging the nipple opening.

  • Do not add sugar or flour to the milk.
  • Get your child used to drinking unsweetened water.
  • When he turns one year old, do not rush him to eat, teach him to chew every bite.
  • Do not reward good behavior with food.
  • On a walk, don't carry him in the pram all the time, give him a little walk.
  • Take a look at the snacks your child consumes. It just eats what's in the house: jam and cola, sausages (very fatty) that can be found in the fridge, chocolate, bars and crisps stored in cabinets.
  • Don't force your food!

He althy diet and exercise - the best obesity prevention

It is worth remembering that we are an example for our children. When they watch us squat on the couch in front of the TV or eagerly sit down to eat too hearty, they won't believe that the best way to spend our time is to move. So if we want to change our child's lifestyle habits, it is not enough to just take care of his food. He should be given a lot of exercise, from an early age. Again, moderation is needed: let's choose sports that do not burden the body, but support natural development.

- We should listen to what the children say. If they say they are full, believe them. There is no reason to doubt it. Unless they are clearly sick. If they say that skiing is not fun for them, let's not explain that it is an increasingly popular sport and they should be able to stay on the boards in the same way as play tennis. Why? Because we have such dreams? Or maybe children prefer ping-pong?

- Professor Tomasz Romer also warns against upheavals: sometimes towards a diet, then towards a sports lifestyle. Let us not underestimate the obesity of children, but also do not make it the biggest problem. Sometimes parents overfeed firstbranches, and then exaggerate their excess weight, as if the number of kilograms testifies to the value of the child. A he althy child, in accordance with the principles of dietetics, develops properly both physically and mentally (intellectually, emotionally). He exudes the joy of life, is mobile, cheerful, smiling, interesting surroundings, absorbing new knowledge.

You must do it

How to lose weight for kids

  • Feed them 5-6 times a day, preferably at the same time.
  • Do not allow snacking between meals.
  • Limit high-energy products.
  • Give them more vegetables and fruits (note: not all fruits are low in calories!).
  • Do not let them watch TV or sit at the computer for more than 1-2 hours a day.
  • Find a way to burn calories faster than before (for example cycling in summer, ice skating in winter or other physical activity).

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