An overweight or obese child is becoming easier to meet on the street. Worse still, the excess pounds in a child rarely cause proper anxiety to parents. Often adults say that being overweight is not a problem, because a child will grow out of it. And it is not at all obvious. obese children are obese adults. Moreover, an obese child is a sick child and a sick adult. What are we doing wrong that our children are obese?
Overweight and obesity in childrendoes not mean the we alth of society - on the contrary - in developed countries it is a sign of belonging to the poorer part of society. And in our country there is still a belief that an infant should be fat, because it proves its he alth. Nothing could be more wrong!
Polish children eat more and more, and not what they should. Defective food often goes hand in hand with overfeeding. This is why most of them suffer from a deficiency of vitamins, especially B vitamins, and other nutrients, such as calcium.
Parents' poor eating habits cause childhood obesity
The main causes of overweight and obesity include persistent improper diet, overfeeding, irregular meals and snacking between meals. The eating style preferred by adult family members is decisive. Children are keen observers. When they see mum, dad, older siblings eating mainly casseroles, hamburgers, fries, they will want to eat the same, they will not eat raw vegetables of their own free will.
The habit of eating home-made dinners is also disappearing. Instead of soup and main course, they serve pizza, kebab or Chinese food. Nothing bad will happen when such fast food appears on the table from time to time, but it cannot be the basis of nutrition for children and adolescents.
Overfeeding begins in infancy, if the baby is fed not only when he is hungry, but also when it is to soothe his crying. Older children are rewarded with sweets for good behavior, academic performance, for visiting the dentist, even for eating the entire lunch "polite".
An obese child grows fat in the school shop
Many children go to school without a wholesome breakfast. Some only drink some juice or eat crisps with milk. Even sandwiches and fruit on the golunch is not an obligatory custom.
Children get money to buy something in the school shop, which usually has buns, bars, chips and sweetened carbonated drinks. Only a few sell fresh fruit juices, salads or sandwiches made of whole grain bread.
Currently, no one controls whether the food available in schools does not contain ingredients that are unfavorable to the young organism, e.g. causing overweight and obesity. This is to be changed by the regulations on which the Sejm is working.
They prohibit the sale and serving in schools (including kindergartens) of products that contain: synthetic sweeteners (e.g. in carbonated and energy drinks), trans fats (e.g. in biscuits, cookies) , flavor enhancers (the most popular of them - monosodium glutamate - is present, for example, in crackers, sauces, instant soups). The ban is also to apply to products that have more than 1.25 g of s alt or 0.5 g of sodium per 100 g of weight.
Avoiding PE lessons causes childhood obesity
A statistical child spends on average 3 hours a day in front of the TV or computer. The aforementioned WHO report also shows that Polish 11-year-olds, compared to their peers from other countries, spend the most time in this way. In the category of physical activity, our 13-year-olds were only in 34th place (children from 39 countries were surveyed!).
This should not come as a surprise to anyone, because physical education lessons in Polish schools leave a lot to be desired. The NIK report published two years ago clearly shows that 33 percent. primary school students and 21 percent. She finds PE not very interesting for junior high school students and does not want to participate in them. Over 30 percent high school students have a sick leave from PE lessons or do not exercise, explaining that they do not wear sports clothes.
Not only teachers are to blame for this state of affairs, but also parents and doctors. Teachers are not trying to make their lessons interesting. "You have a ball and play a game" - this is what students often hear. Parents give in to their child's requests and agree not to exercise, and doctors are too quick to issue sick leave, sometimes even because of allergies.
Obesity in children is often a consequence of poor nutrition from an early age
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