Zinc fever is the result of inhaling toxic fumes of zinc oxide. Industrial workers are mainly exposed to zinc fever. when welding, cutting or soldering galvanized steel - hence the common name of the disease "foundry fever" and "metal fever". Find out how to recognize the symptoms of zinc fever and how to treat it.

Zinc rush , otherwise " foundry fever " and " metal fever ", then a medical condition resulting from inhalation of toxic zinc oxide smoke in amounts greater than the norm. Zinc fever only occurs with the production of zinc oxide (ZnO), when ZnO smoke (aerosol) appears.

Who is most at risk of zinc fever?

Zinc oxide is used as a dye (zinc white) in the manufacture of paints and varnishes, and also as a stabilizer for rubber and caoutchouc. It is also used in the production of plastics, insulation masses and wood impregnating agents. Therefore, workers in the steel industry, foundry (hencedisease of steel workers and founders ), rubber, ceramic and paper industries are most exposed to inhalation of toxic zinc oxide smoke. Toxic smoke also poses a threat to workers in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Zinc oxide is also used in dentistry and in electroplating.

Zinc fever - symptoms

The main symptoms of zinc fever are similar to those of the flu:

  • cough
  • shortness of breath
  • short breath
  • fever (39 degrees C) and chills
  • nausea
  • muscle aches and headaches
  • high leukocytosis

There may also be a sweet or metallic taste in the mouth, which may be accompanied by hoarseness. In extreme cases, anuria, convulsions, rash, vomiting, watery or bloody diarrhea and low blood pressure may appear, which is an indication for immediate medical attention.

Zinc fever symptoms usually begin several hours after exposure to zinc oxide fumes and last for 6 to 24 hours. Recovery takes place 24-48 hours after the onset of symptoms.

This will be useful to you

Zinc oxide concentration at work

In accordance with the regulation of the Minister of Labor andSocial Policy regarding the highest permissible concentrations and intensities of factors harmful to he alth in the work environment, the highest permissible concentration (NDS) of zinc oxide in the work environment is 5 mg / m3 , and the value of the highest allowable concentration Momentary Momentum (STEL) - 10 mg / m3 .

It is assumed that these values ​​will probably be reduced in the near future, in line with the proposal of the Scientific Committee of the European Union Exposure Limits (SCOEL) to 0.5 mg / m3(TLV ) and up to 2 mg / m3(STEL).

Zinc fever - treatment

Remove the patient from toxic zinc oxide smoke and treat symptomatically. The body removes harmful metabolites itself.

Zinc rush - how to avoid it?

First of all, do not inhale the fumes of zinc oxide and regularly check that the room you are working in is properly ventilated and the concentration of zinc oxide is correct.
