No sweets are as delicious as those eaten from your partner's body. The use of sweets in the foreplay - honey, powdered sugar, mints or popping candies - will increase the desire for sex. You will surely enjoy the sweet caresses …
Usingsweetsinforeplayis a great way to diversify your daily intercourse. A bit of honey, powdered sugar, a packet of mints or "shooting" candies with orange inside - andsextastes different. And maybe not as cute as you'd expect, but very, very peppery.
So let's begin! Undress your partner and put them on something that is easy to wash afterwards. But even if it's elegant bedding, don't worry, what you experience is worth every sum you spend on washing.
Sweets & Foreplay: Honey Droplets Flap
Use a special spoon (it can be ordinary, but it's a slightly different effect), slowly drip the honey on your partner's body wherever you want. Pick this sweetness on your finger from time to time and dab it over his mouth. Let him taste as he feels more and more delightful in him. With your tongue, follow the falling drops of honey, once dragging your tongue gently and slowly, sometimes pressing it firmly against the body, and once tapping it point by point. Stop at the navel, dripping a tiny drop into the cavity. And poke with the tip of your tongue. And then run it along, approaching intimate nooks and crannies. And again, drip a little honey on his penis (or her clitoris). Then, put your fingertips in motion, smearing them sweetness over these places. Remember not to make your partner orgasm at this point, because this is just the beginning of the fun.
Sweets and foreplay: suck, suck and suck again
Now move back up. Put the honey aside and prepare the powdered sugar. Bring your fingers closer, dip them in the sugar, and run over your partner's mouth, paying more attention to the lower lip, which is more sensitive than the upper lip. Now suck your partner's nipples and sprinkle a little powdered sugar on them. Just such sprinkling will make him shudder. Then suck on the sugary nipples. Of course, you can sprinkle sugar anywhere on your partner's body, but don't overdo it. And certainly don't put ordinary sugar in herintimate interior, because it can end in pain.
Sweets & Foreplay: Shoot the candies
Suck on the peppermint, then take it out and place it where you want your partner to suck it out. You can also play the peppermint with your tongue over your partner's body. The candy will leave a cool, damp trace on your body, which is extremely exciting. Instead of a mint, you can use the so-called popping candies, then the effect will be even greater.
"Shooting" candies are perfect in mutual kisses, but you have to be careful not to choke on them. They also have amazing effects when you place them on the inside of your thighs and squash them with your teeth, and then lick them with your lips and tongue.
Note:There cannot be too much sweetness to prevent your partner from fainting. And not to make too much of a mess.
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