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The structure of a player's brain is different from that of a person who does not play computer games. Players have better developed connections between the regions responsible for visual and spatial abilities, and a better developed area responsible for automatic movements - according to research conducted by psychologists from the SWPS University.

Researchers from the SWPS University examined what changes occur in the brains of people who play intensively RTS games (real-time strategies) and how this is related to changes observed at the behavioral level.

As explained by the psychologist Dr. Natalia Kowalczyk, the main goal of the study was to analyze the differences in cognitive functioning (i.e. skills that allow us to learn about the environment, e.g. attention, memory or reasoning) and the brain structure of avid gamers compared to people who do not use games intensively (in the study, these people played an average of two hours a week).

- The most important finding was the observation that the group of gamers had a greater number of nerve fibers connecting the parietal and occipital areas of the brain compared to less likely to play games. These regions are involved, inter alia, in the processing of visual-spatial information. In addition, our research has shown a relationship between the time spent on playing real-time strategy games and the intensity of the observed changes - explains Dr. Natalia Kowalczyk.

- MRI studies assessed the neural connections between different parts of the brain. On the other hand, the morphometric analysis of VBM made it possible to assess the volume of the brain gray matter in the group of players and the group of non-players - adds Dr. Kowalczyk.

Scientists combined the results obtained from MRI measurements with a multi-faceted assessment of cognitive functioning, including processes such as memory, attention and sensitivity to disturbing stimuli.

Playing RTS games involves many complex mental functions: from the ability to monitor several fast-moving objects simultaneously, through constant attention and an appropriate level of alertness, to working memory, e.g. refreshing information, switching between different tasks or planning activities.

As Dr.Kowalczyk, computer games are not only a unique tool for studying human cognitive functioning, but most of all for learning about the mechanisms of brain neuroplasticity (i.e. the ability of the nervous system to adapt to environmental requirements). In this context, they are also a potential means of counteracting the aging process or rebuilding some cognitive functions disturbed, e.g. brain damage.

- Thanks to research like ours, it is possible to use the acquired knowledge about human behavior under the influence of games to create tools with their use in rehabilitation and educational programs in the future - emphasizes Dr. Natalia Kowalczyk.

In a two-year study conducted by Dr. Natalia Kowalczyk and a team of scientists from the SWPS University, 31 players took part in the screening of at least six hours a week, including at least 60 percent. they played Starcraft II at the time (on average, players played the RTS 18 hours a week). The control group was the same number of non-players who spent less than six hours a week on strategic games.

- The discovery made by our team about the characteristics of the brain anatomy of people who play computer games intensively is extremely valuable. At the same time, we realize that it is only a prelude to further research. One of the problems with comparative studies (such as the one we describe here) is that we cannot say with certainty whether the observed differences are due to the activity undertaken or whether people with a specific brain structure simply like to play a certain type of games more - emphasizes Dr. Natalia Kowalczyk.

A team of scientists from the SWPS University under the supervision of prof. Aneta Brzezicka plans to develop the topic of brain neuropasticity under the influence of video games in more advanced training research.

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