Artemisia Christmas tree is a relatively little known herb with properties that strengthen the entire body. The infusion of mugwort is a great solution for digestive problems and bile flow. This herb was known in antiquity. Our grandmothers eagerly used its healing properties, but today, unfortunately, hardly anyone has heard of it.
Artemisia Christmas tree( Artemisia abrotanum ) is a plant from the familyAsteraceae . It looks a bit like fennel and has arefreshing lemon aroma(some say similar to Coca-Cola). Formerly it was believed that the mugwort tree has magical properties that repel evil spirits. To this day, it is used as incense in the Catholic Church.
Artemisia Christmas tree - what does it look like?
Artemisia Christmas tree is a perennial sub-shrub that grows up to1.5 m . The young shoots of the plant are straight and stiff, while the older ones curve downwards in an arched shape. Artemisia Christmas tree has delicate gray-green leaves, and smallyellow-green flower basketsgrow on the tops of the shoots at the end of summer. Unfortunately, this plant does not bear fruit in our climate.
Artemisia Christmas tree - where does it grow?
Artemisia Christmas tree comes fromEastern Europeand the Caucasus. He likes dry, humus-rich soil and plenty of sunlight. It is a veryplant that is resistant to weather conditions- it can tolerate even 30-degree frost. In Poland, mugwort in its raw state is relatively rare, but it can be successfully grown in the garden.
Artemisia Christmas tree - composition
- essential oil
- resins
- organic acids
- tannins
- bitterness
- coumarin
- mineral s alts
- vitamin C
- beta-carotene
Artemisia Christmas tree - he alth properties
In folk medicine, the herb of the mugwort is used, i.e. the leafy stems harvested in summer. This herb is usually made into an infusion with the following properties:
- strengthens the body
- facilitates the flow and production of bile - recommended for bile stagnation
- regulates digestion and supports the work of the liver
- has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect
- has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties
- stimulates the appetite
- removes parasites from the intestines
- used on difficult-to-heal wounds
- regulates excessively heavy periods
Artemisia Christmas tree - old uses
- put into the drawer after drying it effectively repels moths and flies
- rubbing fresh stems into the skin repels mosquitoes
- was an excellent natural air freshener
- decoction of mugwort, nettle, sage and rosemary to heal skin infections
- in combination with barley flour and vegetable oil, it was used to make external compresses for any swelling and enlarged glands
- it was added to the bath to stimulate the circulation
- putting it under the pillow was to make it easier to fall asleep
- it was used as a natural remedy for: plague, progressive rheumatism, asthma, respiratory infections, bites of snakes, spiders and scorpions
Artemisia Christmas tree - contraindications
Artemisia should not be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as people with diagnosed or suspected gallstone disease - in the latter case, it is better to consult a doctor beforehand.
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