Mint tea is nothing more than an infusion of mint leaves, which can be used for many ailments. Mint tea is especially recommended for digestion, coughing, good sleep and in stressful situations. What other properties does mint tea have?
Mint teais the perfect drink for both summer and winter days. Not only is it refreshing and tastes delicious, it also has valuablehealing properties . It is an ideal replacement for coffee and tea. You can drink ithot or cool . It has a beautifulstraw colorthat becomes more intense as it infuses.
Mint tea is drunk in hot Morocco today, where they appreciate its refreshing and well-being properties.
Mint tea - how to make and use?
To make mint tea, just1 heaped spoonpour fresh or dried mint leaves1 cup of boiling waterand steep covered forminimum 5 minutes , then strain. It's best to drink it unsweetened. It also tastes great with the addition of lemon and chamomile, which will enhance the effects of tea.
For better digestion, mint tea should be drunk half a glass about an hour before or after eating (then it has a carminative effect). It is assumed that in the case of gastric problems, we can drink from2 to 5 cupsmint infusion daily.
The same press button can be used to rinse the throat and mouth.
Mint tea - ingredients
- essential oils, incl. menthol and limonene
- organic acids
- flavonoids
- tannins
- provitamin A
- vitamin C
- potassium
- calcium
- magnesium
- iron
- zinc
Mint tea - healing properties
Mint tea for stomach
Mint tea is most often used by people struggling with ailments of the digestive system. It has both unusual properties:
- stimulates the appetite,
- supports digestion,
- has a diastolic effect, reducing stomach cramps and preventing intestinal colic,
- helps with nausea,
- reduces gas and gas,
- supports metabolism,
- reduces the appetite forsweets,
- treats hiccups,
- helps with diseases of the liver and bile ducts,
- reduces bad breath.
The mint infusion should be drunk especially after a heavy and hard-to-digest meal, it should also be included in the diet of people suffering from gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome.
Mint cough tea
Thanks to the content ofmenthol , the essential oil, mint tea is perfect for colds, as it strengthens immunity and clears the upper respiratory tract, helping to deal with cough and runny nose. To do such an inhalation, just lean your head over the hot mint infusion (be careful not to burn yourself, however).
Rinsing the mouth with mint tea also soothes irritated gums.
Mint tea for stress and good sleep
Interestingly, mint tea acts on our nervous system similarly to lemon balm - it relaxes, calms and relieves pain, especially migraine headaches. Additionally, it helps to fall asleep, relieves stress, and helps overcome neuralgia. It is a much better solution than, for example, strong coffee.
Other uses of mint tea
Mint tea compresses can help get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Folk medicine also recommends drinking mint tea in anxiety during menopause and with menstrual pains. Thanks to the content of flavonoids, i.e. antioxidants, peppermint tea has a very good effect on our mental performance: it improves concentration and supports the process of learning and remembering, so it should be drunk regularly by students, students, white-collar workers and the elderly who want to remain clear for as long as possible mind.
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Mint tea - contraindications and side effects
It is true that no side effects have been observed with the long-term use of mint leaves, but drinking mint tea - as in everything - should be moderate.
Although peppermint tea is recommended for digestive problems, people with gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as asthmatics should not drink it. Particular care should also be taken in the case of children - the menthol contained in mint tea may harm them, therefore the inhalation of mint must not be carried out in childrenunder 5 years of age(the same applies to the ointment withmenthol). Mint-based teas should also be avoidedbreastfeeding women , as menthol may inhibit lactation in them.
Mint tea during pregnancy
Due to its properties, mint tea is safe and recommended for pregnant women, as long as they do not suffer from stomach or duodenal ulcers. It will help future mothers to cope with morning sickness and flatulence, to fight heartburn, which is frequent in this period, and also to protect against infections. When drunk before bedtime, pregnant women will also relax and fall asleep easier.
Pregnant women, however, should not exceed the dose of2 cupsmint tea a day.
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Mint tea - price
The price of mint tea depends primarily on the raw material we are dealing with. Most often, mint tea is prepared on the basis of peppermint, which is very aromatic due to the high content of menthol. Mint tea is available in the form of dried or ready-made tea bags. Of course, the dried one is more aromatic and retains more he alth-promoting properties, it is only important that it does not contain any additives, especially artificial flavors.
The packaged version usually costs a few zlotys, the dried version is more expensive - we will pay about 20 zlotys for a one-kilogram package. Dried mint tea is best bought in proven herbalists or he alth food stores, and it is best to dry it yourself, using fresh mint leaves.
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