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Lemongrass, due to its healing properties, has been used in folk medicine in Asia and South America. Modern research confirms that lemongrass has a he alth effect. However, the most valuable oil is lemongrass oil - lemongrass oil. Check what other properties lemongrass has and how to use it in the kitchen.

Lemongrass( Cymbopogon citratus ) has numeroushealing properties , therefore it has been found for many yearsapplicationin natural medicine in Asia and South America. Its he alth effects are confirmed by modern scientific research. They show that lemongrass oil contains the most he alth-promoting substances -lemongrass oil(lemongrass is lemongrass).

Lemongrass - healing properties

In natural medicine of India, lemongrass has been used to treat indigestion and lack of appetite, and also as an antitussive, antispasmodic and antirheumatic drug.

Other names for lemongrass are lemongrass and citronella.

In turn, the Chinese believe that a lemongrass-based drink helps relieve headaches and stomach aches. In South America, however, lemongrass is used as a means of brightening the mind and improving concentration. It is added to the popular yerba mate drink in Brazil, giving it a refreshing lemon aroma.

Modern research has shown that lemongrass has a beneficial effect on the level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood, therefore it is recommended in the diet of patients with type 2 diabetes.

Worth knowing

Nutritional value of raw lemongrass (per 100 g)Energy value - 99 kcal Total protein - 1.82 g Fat - 0.49 g Carbohydrates - 25.31 gVitamins Vitamin C - 2.6 mg Thiamine - 0.065 mg Riboflavin - 0.135 mg Niacin - 1.101 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.080 mg Folic acid - 75 µg Vitamin A - 6 IU

MineralsCalcium - 65 mg Iron - 8.17 mg Magnesium - 60 mg Phosphorus - 101 mg Potassium - 723 mg Sodium - 6 mg Zinc - 2.23 mg

Fatty acids

saturated - 0.119 g monounsaturated - 0.054 g polyunsaturated - 0.170 g

Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Lemongrass oil - properties and application

The most healing properties are attributed to the oil obtained from lemongrass, i.e. lemongrass oil. In folk medicine, it was used to treat skin inflammations and ulcers. It is currently known that lemongrass oil:

Additionally, lemongrass oil repels mosquitoes, black flies and other nuisance insects.

  • has bactericidal and fungicidal properties (therefore it is recommended, among others, to people struggling with acne)
  • has a calming effect and improves the mood
  • helps soothe muscle aches and headaches

Lemongrass oil owes its versatile effect to a substance called citral (it accounts for 65 to 85 percent of the total oil content). Recent studies also show that citral has potential anti-cancer properties.

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Lemongrass oil - how to use?

Lemongrass oil cannot be applied to the skin alone, but diluted with other oils. It is enough to combine a tablespoon of grape seed oil with 1-2 drops of the oil. With the mixture prepared in this way, you can perform a relaxing massage or rub it into a sore spot on the body. In order to prepare a relaxing bath, pour 2-3 drops of the oil into a half-filled bathtub with warm water. In order to aromatize the air, pour about 2-3 drops into an aromatic fireplace, lamp or air humidifier.

Lemongrass oil should not be used in pregnant women or in excess (it may cause skin irritation).

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Author: Time S.A

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Lemongrass - use in the kitchen

Lemongrass has - as the name suggests - a lemon flavor with a hint of ginger. In the kitchen, both the tuber and the shoots of the plant are used. Lemongrass goes well with almost any type of dish. It tastes best in combination with coconut milk, chicken and seafood. It can also be added to tea.

Recipe for a green tea drink with lemongrass

Source: x-news / Dzień Dobry TVN
