Clean it up once and for all, so that the house is a cozy, nice and comfortable place, and taking care of it does not require much time? It is possible! Try the KonMari method, thanks to which you will get rid of the clutter once and for all.
Marie Kondo, author of the best-selling books "The Magic of Cleaning" and "Tokimeka", developed a way of selecting, organizing and arranging items that has revolutionized many apartments, drawers and wardrobes around the world. Following the recommendations of the KonMari method allows you to achieve a lasting order and minimize the time spent on "embracing" the living space.
Recommendation 1: Excess stop
If you are considering a new, larger wardrobe or even an apartment because you no longer fit in your current one, it's time to change your attitude. To create more space in your home, you need to "ventilate" it a bit, getting rid of the equipment that is not fully used. There is no point in trying to stuff things if you don't go through them first and choose the ones worth keeping. How do you go about it?
Recommendation 2: once and for all
Tidying up a little, one drawer or one cupboard, is ineffective. Acting in this way takes time but has no visible effect. After some time, the hardly cleaned cupboard will become a mess again, and at first glance, nothing will change in the room. One-time, thorough cleaning is much better, as it will change the apartment and prevent you from returning to your old habits. Freeing yourself from the excess of things and arranging the rest so that you can use them freely will change your attitude and motivate you to never let your apartment become cluttered again.
Recommendation 3: operate the
systemInstead of cleaning rooms, do it thematically. First clothes, then books, papers, various things, e.g. cosmetics, accessories, dishes, etc., and finally items of sentimental value. Items in one category are often stored in different places, so by cleaning by location you'll never know how much you have. This makes it difficult to see the excess of things in a given category.
Recommendation 4: joy test
When you collect all blouses, mugs or CDs in one place, take each item in your hand and think about whether it makes you happy. This does not mean, of course,that you should leave your favorite dress and throw away the hammer or frying pan. Knowing that an item is needed and makes life easier is also a sign of joy. Make a decision not about what to throw out but what to keep. Choose your favorite things, thanks to which it turns out which are less liked and therefore useless.
Recommendation 5: important rules
After getting rid of excess, when you have left enough things to make life easier and more enjoyable, it remains a question of how to store them. It is important that they are easily accessible and visible, but also not to cause problems when cleaning the apartment and not to extend it unnecessarily. Therefore, arrange them properly in cabinets and drawers, leaving only selected items outside. Keep items from one category in one place.
Recommendation 6: fold what you can
Everything soft (clothes, underwear, towels, bed linen) should be properly folded. This method consists in folding the clothes into a rectangle by folding the sides towards the inside. Then fold the rectangle in half, and then again in half or three. It's about creating a compact and clear shape that can be placed vertically.
Items made of thin or flowing material (e.g. some blouses) that are difficult to fold must be rolled, first folding the sides inside. Thick clothes, such as jackets, or clothes that crease easily, are best hung on hangers.
Store items verticallyAll items are then clearly visible, they do not crumple (as in a stack) and more of them fit, because you use the entire height of the drawer. This way is suitable for any category of things - medicines, clothes, handbags, even socks and tights. You can place soft objects vertically thanks to the appropriate folding.
Recommendation 7: cleaning in the kitchen
It is said that a well-equipped kitchen is one where everything is at hand. There is a mixer, blender and other appliances on the countertop, a knife stand, a shelf for spices and hooks for pans and spoons. In fact, it is easy to reach for the necessary equipment, but everything is covered with grease and dust, and cleaning the kitchen takes a lot of time.
Instead, try to find a place for everything in the cabinets, leave nothing out. If the kitchen is easy to clean, removing the necessary things from the cupboards will not be a problem - especially when they are not cluttered and filled with unused appliances or leftovers of food products.
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