In spring you feel tired and have no energy to live? It's high time to regenerate and change your diet. During this period, it is especially worth introducing the following products to your diet: amaranth, quinoa, chia seeds, maca, chlorella, spirulina, spelled and its products, sea buckthorn juice, grain grasses (wheat and young green barley).
The turn of winter and spring is a time of frequent temperature fluctuations outside the window, which is difficult for us to adjust to and we lack energy. It is also the time of waiting for spring, for the revival of nature, and together with nature we want our organism to "reborn". At the end of winter, however, we often feel a decline in form, and the dreams waiting in the queue and professional challenges create pressure on us to act. That is why we want to feel more energy, to be reborn, but "April is intertwined with winter a little bit of summer", which also affects our physical and mental condition with different effects. Of course, no one should be addicted to the weather, but naturally we have a better mood when the sun is shining and the body handles the first breath of spring in a different way. As a result, we often feel tired when we feel like a great spring revival. And here arises the question - how to help yourself in this?
First of all - physical activity and proper breathing
- If you want to feel better, move, breathe, sing, look for spiritual inspiration and illuminate yourself with natural light wherever you can - advises Grzegorz Pawłowski, coach, trainer, life and wellness coaching lecturer. He points out that, in accordance with the principles of wellness coaching, we all live through 4 spheres: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, and we should properly care for each of these spheres.
- According to the official he althy eating pyramid according to the World He alth Organization, in addition to well-composed meals, physical activity is even more important. It is worth taking care of it, especially when it is gloomy outside. As far as we are able and in condition, it can be sports, dancing, yoga, and even a long walk. Intensive movement is accompanied by deep breathing - our main source of energy, because more than 70% of our energy comes from breathing. Research shows that a statistical man uses only 1/3 of the lung volume. This is how we limit our main source of vitality and the wholehe alth. Making sure you breathe deeper can be very nourishing for your body, heart and soul. Other ingredients of the "extended diet" are: movement, breathing, wholesome food, developing our voice and lighting up, because we also nourish ourselves with light and sound. Let us remember to notice the positive aspects of everything we experience, to live according to our own values and to take care of spiritual inspiration. And then we have theCUUD diet(Body, Feelings, Mind, Spirit) - advises Grzegorz Pawłowski. In addition, for these still short days, she especially recommends dynamic meditation, yoga, and even more so dancing, e.g. contact improvisation, 5 rhythms, freedance or capoeira.
Second - nutrition
The deficiency of minerals in our food is one of the causes of poor he alth and lack of energy. Especially at the turn of winter and spring, it is worth cleaning our body and remember to use natural dietary supplements: seaweed, spirulina, chlorella, sprouts, green sprouts of wheat or barley. You should introduce a variety of foods into your diet, especially those based on grains and vegetables, avoid refined products, rancid fats as a source of free radicals (constantly formed in our body, and the excess of which contributes initially to a decline in immunity, and then leads to civilization diseases). Agnieszka Sienkiewicz, an expert on nutrition from Organic Farma Zdrowia advises that during this period it is especially worth introducing the following products to your diet: amaranth, quinoa, chia seeds, maca, chlorella, spirulina, spelled and products made of it, sea buckthorn juice, grass cereals (barley and wheat).
1. Amaranth (amaranth)
Amaranth is a seed that belongs to the oldest cultivated plants in the world - it was the basis of the Inca and Aztec diet as early as 5,000 years ago. It has significant amounts of vitamin E and squalene, which strengthens the immune functions. It provides iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium in amounts several times greater than the grains of other cereals. It contains a large dose of B vitamins as well as vitamins A and C, therefore it is a perfect component of the diet for weakened, tired people, struggling with nutritional deficiencies and anemia. It is an extremely valuable source of protein containing the necessary amino acids that should be supplied to our body with food. We can use whole grains, cereals, flour and expanded grains in the kitchen, i.e. popping.
2. Quinoa
Quinoa, also known as quinoa, comes from South America. It is classified as a high-protein grain (18 g in 100 g of product). It contains a lot of calcium. Has a good fat profile(contains 11% fat), provides iron, phosphorus, vitamin E and B vitamins. It strengthens the body. It is best to cook it in combination with other grains or groats.
3. Chia seeds
Chia seeds are different varieties of Spanish sage, traditionally grown in Central and South America, with similar effects and nutritional values. The Aztec warriors had greater endurance against fatigue due to the consumption of chia, which is why these seeds are known to be one of the most nutritious foods found in nature. They contain a high content of omega-3 fatty acids. The maximum recommended amount of chia per day is 1 tbsp.
4. Mac
It is a plant grown in Peru at altitudes of 4000-4500 m above sea level. in a specific high-mountain climate. Maca stimulates and strengthens the physical endurance of the body. It has a calming and anti-stress effect. It has a positive effect on memory, the ability to absorb knowledge and intelligence. It is worth using as an addition to desserts and cocktails 2-3 teaspoons a day.
5. Cistus
Already 2.5 thousand. years ago the purges known as a medicinal plant. It grows mainly in the western Mediterranean. It is one of the richest sources of polyphenols - compounds belonging to the group of plant substances with antioxidant properties (destroying free radicals). Cistus supports the immune system. It has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antihistamine properties. It is a unique natural flu remedy. Cistus can be taken in various forms, but the simplest and most effective form is to brew tea from the whole plant - 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water.
6. Spirulina
Spirulina is a microalgae found in sea bays (the water there contains a high concentration of minerals and organic compounds). It is a plant with high nutritional value and powerful pro-he alth values. Its basic building block is protein. It contains 8 amino acids that cannot be produced by our body, the so-called exogenous amino acids. Spirulina supports weight control, strengthens hair, skin and nails.
7. Spelled
Spelled is a type of wheat cultivated since antiquity. It strengthens the body and contributes to a cheerful disposition. It reduces the feeling of fatigue. It helps with decreased efficiency, problems with the heart and circulatory system, with allergies, and increased susceptibility to infections. It has a positive effect on the psyche and improves the mood. When consumed three times a day in conjunction with a specific diet, it boosts immunity and removes toxins. A systematically used spelled diet regenerates the whole body.It strengthens the sensory organs and also slows down the aging process. It contributes to better digestion and better building of muscle tissue. Spelled grains contain large amounts of protein, fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, vitamins and bioelements. It is eaten in the form of grain, groats, flour, bread, pasta, flakes, bran, coffee, syrup.
8. Sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn is primarily characterized by a very high content of vitamin C. It is therefore worth using it prophylactically, especially in the period of frequent weather changes, when our body is difficult to adapt to temperature changes and is exposed to colds, e.g. in the transition period between winter and in the spring. It contains over 190 bioactive substances that have a positive effect on he alth. Among them there are antioxidants, flavonoids, amino acids, as well as unsaturated fatty acids, microelements (including potassium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, boron, calcium and silicon) and vitamins - A, C, D, E, K, P , from group B.
9. Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass contains serotonin and tryptophan - happiness hormones that improve mood, which is certainly important when the body waits for warm spring days. It has a calming effect. It supports the detoxification of the entire body, especially the liver. It is an excellent source of protein - it contains over 20 amino acids.
10. Barley grass
Barley grass, also known as "germinated young barley" or "green barley", is one of the best ways to completely regenerate our body. The amazing benefits of barley grass come from the combination of many nutrients and unique digestive enzymes. These natural nutrients in the grain complement each other and restore the proper functioning of our cells and organs. Young barley also contains serotonin and tryptophan, the so-called "happiness hormones" responsible for improving the mood. You can use it for cocktails or spread it in water. The recommended daily amount is 2 teaspoons.
Grain grasses, both wheat and barley, are a source of chlorophyll and vitamin A. They also contain vitamin B12, a good amount of protein, and other nutrients. Cereal grasses counteract the aging process as they protect he althy cells from harmful free radicals. You can buy them in the form of powders and tablets.