Fruits, although sweet, are low in calories. The first are strawberries, then cherries, cherries, raspberries and currants. Their greatest advantage is the we alth of vitamins and minerals that give he alth and prolong youth. What nutritional values are hidden in seasonal fruits?
Fruits contain all vitamins, except D (it is synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight) and B12 (found only in animal products). They are a source of minerals, fiber and invaluable dye substances that neutralize free radicals that are harmful to he alth. Most berries are low in calories. Cherries break records - they have 2 times more of them than e.g. strawberries or raspberries.
Strawberries have beta carotene and B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium. They contain a lot of fiber, including soluble fiber, i.e. pectin, and bromelain - an enzyme that breaks down proteins. Bromelain (most of it in fresh pineapple, preparations with bromelain are also available) improves digestion and metabolism, helps to remove toxins, and also has anti-inflammatory properties - it helps heal sinus and vein inflammation and injuries to athletes.
Strawberries have a hematopoietic effect, strengthen the body. They are recommended for patients with liver, kidneys, and rheumatism.
Nutritional value of strawberries(100 g): calories - 28; carbohydrates - 7.2 g; protein - 0.7 g; fats - 0.4 g; fiber - 1.8 g. Glycemic index (GI) of strawberries - 40.
Strawberries taste great with melted chocolate or with champagne. Strawberry sauce is a delicious addition to ice cream and desserts. Strawberries are used to make jams, preserves and wine.
Why shouldn't you put strawberries in the fridge?
Strawberries should be washed before eating, but remember that the longer you keep them in water, the longer you rinse them under water, the more they are tasteless, because they absorb water like a sponge. Besides, strawberries should not be stored for more than 1 day - and not in the refrigerator, but in the open air, because then they will catch the taste of the refrigerator.
They can be yellow, pink, red, dark red, almost black. They contain a lot of vitamins C, A, B group vitamins, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese. They are quitecaloric - a serving of 100 g of sweet cherries is 61 kcal. They regulate metabolic processes, support the treatment of some liver and bladder diseases, kidney stones, delay the development of atherosclerosis, and give energy. They improve the well-being of people suffering from rheumatism.
Nutritional value of sweet cherries(100 g): calories - 61; carbohydrates - 14.6 g; protein - 1 g; fats - 0.3 g; fiber - 1.3 g. Glycemic index of sweet cherries - 22.
They are eaten mostly raw. Cherries are also a great addition to dumplings, cakes and desserts. You can make compotes, preserves, soups and liqueurs from them. Pickled cherries (recipe below) taste good with pate, roasted veal, poultry.
Tip: Due to the large amount of acid, raw cherries should not be eaten on an empty stomach (this applies to all drupes!). To weaken their effect, chew the fruit slowly, biting it with, for example, oat biscuits or crisps.
Cultivated, red and yellow, are larger, but less aromatic and poorer in nutrients than forest raspberries. Both are perishable fruits, so it's best to eat them right after harvesting.
Raspberries are a source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamins E, B1, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, organic acids and flavonoids. They significantly increase immunity and protect against infections. They alleviate diarrhea and indigestion. They have a diuretic effect and help with joint diseases. They help maintain he althy skin, bones and teeth. Raspberry juice is a good diaphoretic, reduces fever and helps fight colds. Raspberries do not fatten, because 100 g of fruit contains only 29 kcal. They are made of excellent legumines, creams, mousses, jellies.
Raspberry nutritional value(100 g): calories - 29; carbohydrates - 12 g; protein - 1.3 g; fats - 0.3 g; fiber - 6.7 g. Raspberry glycemic index - 25.
They are suitable for soups and salads. The most popular preparation of these fruits is juice, but jams, purees and raspberries in their own juice are also excellent.
ImportantFor sour and … sugary ones
Fruits are alkaline. Therefore, lovers of a meat diet that excessively acidifies the body should eat them. They are recommended for people suffering from hyperacidity because they soothe the effects of stomach acids. We also have good news for diabetics: the fructose contained in fruit is well absorbed by the body, so patients with this disease can easily include not too sweet fruit in their diet. They are he althiest when they are strict, but not in the case of peptic ulcer disease and some pancreatic and liver diseases.
Juices are dark red, glasses - light red. They are not all acidic.Cherries contain anthocyanins that protect against free radicals. They have a positive effect on the production of red blood cells. They provide vitamins C and A. They help lower cholesterol and sugar levels, bind heavy metals and remove them from the body. Due to the content of potassium and sodium, they are diuretic. Cherry juice has anti-inflammatory properties - it reduces fever, relieves muscle pain, and improves drug absorption.
Nutritional value of cherries(100 g): calories - 47; carbohydrates - 10.9 g; protein - 0.9 g; fats - 0.4; fiber - 3 g. Cherry glycemic index - 22. Cherries are suitable for soups, compote, jelly and jam, as well as for tinctures and liqueurs, e.g. the famous maraschino.
See VIDEO: Cherries: what will you squeeze out of them for he alth
You must do itGood choice and gentle treatment
Choose not necessarily beautiful (they can be bred on artificial fertilizers), but fresh, ripe (but not overripe). Give up fruit that was lying on the stall all day, because light and heat destroy vitamins, especially C, B and beta-carotene. Buy in small quantities as the first summer fruits lose nutrients quickly. Some can be stored a day or two in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator.
Before eating, rinse the fruit thoroughly under running water to remove harmful chemicals such as pesticides or bacteria from natural fertilizers.
White currants are the sweetest. Black has the most vitamin C: in 100 g it is 180 mg, and in the rest - about 50 mg. They also have a lot of B vitamins, PP, K (especially black), beta-carotene, a lot of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, organic acids. They regenerate capillaries and protect the heart. They quench thirst well, relieve heartburn, and regulate metabolism. The anthocyanins contained in currants have anti-inflammatory properties, prevent colds, and support the treatment of food poisoning. Due to the high content of pectins, they are perfect for jellies and jams (they curl without gelatine). Black currants are perfect for tinctures.
Nutritional value of red currants(100 g): calories - 31; carbohydrates - 13.8 g; protein - 1.1 g; fats - 0.2 g; fiber - 7.7 g Glycemic index - 25
Nutritional value of black currants(100 g): calories - 35; carbohydrates - 14.9 g; protein - 1.3 g; fats - 0.2 g; fiber - 7.9 g Glycemic index - 15.
Ripe gooseberries are sweet and soft. It provides potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and a lot of vitamin C. It regulates metabolism, has a diuretic effect, cleanses and stimulates the appetite. It contains a lot of pectin, so it is suitable forjellies.
Gooseberry nutritional value(100 g): calories - 41; carbohydrates - 11.8 g; protein - 0.8 g; fats - 0.2 g; fiber - 3 g Gooseberry glycemic index - 15.
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