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A dozen years ago, this peninsula in the Black Sea basin, considered to be the Cote d'Azur of the East, was practically available only to the chosen ones - the richest or the most distinguished "on the line" of the communist party. Anyone can come here today. And tourists are eager to use this opportunity.

First of all, because it has a wonderful, healing climate, warm, clean sea. You can also find many interesting places to visit here - from monuments of Genoese, Tatar, Greek and Armenian culture to numerous palaces of the Russian aristocracy. Lovers of landscapes will not be disappointed either - mountains, rocks protruding from the water, landscape parks offer beautiful views every step of the way.

In Y alta, on the promenade

Crimea has the status of an autonomous republic. The exception is Sevastopol, which, together with the Black Sea Fleet, is directly subordinate to Kyiv. Although it belongs to Ukraine, the Russian language reigns everywhere.
The central point of the Crimean Riviera is Y alta, located about 40 km south of Simferopol. The city is surrounded by mountains on three sides and the Black Sea on the fourth. The result of this location is a unique microclimate, similar to the Mediterranean. The beaches in Y alta are narrow, rocky and, frankly speaking, not very attractive. In contrast to the promenade, which fills up with a crowd of guests in the evenings. It starts at the square with the statue of Lenin, and ends after a few kilometers of pubs, stalls, shops and other places of summer, seaside entertainment.
Y alta's attraction is the dolphinarium. In addition to the shows, the life and habits of these nice mammals can be learned during the holidays called "Dolphin Mission". During their stay, everyone has the opportunity to swim individually in the dolphinarium.

Tsarist Crimea

The obligatory set of trips around the area should include the nearby Livadia with the palace that used to belong to the Potocki family, where the Y alta conference was held, Alupka with the Vorontsov palace, where Churchill lived during the infamous conference, and the palace of Tsar Alexander III in Masandra. The last stage of the trip through the Tsar's Crimea is a visit to the Swallow's Nest - a palace from 1912 built on a 38-meter high rock. One glance is enough to see that this palace is a postcard showcase of Crimea.

In the Khan's residence

Another must-see is Bakhchisaray with the khan's palace.The well-preserved buildings and the cemetery will give us an idea of ​​the life and customs of the Tatar rulers living here. You can see how the Tatars ate in the "Saraj Karawan" - an authentic Tatar restaurant where, as centuries ago, only traditional dishes are served. While visiting the khan's palace in Bakhchisaray, it is worth stopping in front of the Fountain of Tears (also known as the Paradise Spring of Tatar), from which the water, instead of flowing in a swift stream, drips into subsequent niches. It was probably the name of the Polish woman Zofia Kisielewa, who described her sophisticated beauty in a letter d by Pushkin. The fountain is the work of the master Omer, who created it in 1764 for the mausoleum of Diljara Bikecz, the beloved of the last Khan of Crimea, Gieraj.

In the footsteps of the bard

You can travel around Crimea in the footsteps of Adam Mickiewicz. Then the obligatory points of the program are the Akermanian steppes and Ajudah, or Bear, located on the cape of the southern coast of Crimea. When after approx. 3 hours we will reach the top, it will become clear to us what our bard was delighted with. It is magical to see the waves crashing against the rocks and the sky reflecting with a thousand colors in the blue of the sea.

Made famous by the sea

Theodosia was made famous by the resident Ivan Aivazovsky - the most famous marine painter of Armenian origin. He painted a total of over 6,000. images - the sea played the main role in all of them. Today, his canvases can be admired in the Aivazowski Gallery, which he built at his own expense in 1880 and donated to the city. One of the attractions of the exhibition is the painting "Wędrd waves" (283 x 425 cm), which Ajwazowski painted in 10 days. ravaged Europe in 1347-1351 and claimed 75 million. victims. It all started with the attempts of the Tatar Golden Horde to conquer the Genoese stronghold. Unable to cope with her defense, Khan Janibek ordered the heads of those who died of the plague to be thrown over the walls (the disease was brought by the Mongols from the depths of Asia). The terrified Genoese hastily boarded their ships and returned to their homeland, only with the plague germs with them. It is likely that it was the first bacteriological attack in the history of the world. Today, after the Genoese, the ruins of the castle are surrounded by a wall that goes straight to the sea. In the city, it is worth taking a stroll around the Armenian district, where several churches have survived, stop in front of the great painter's tomb and in front of the fountain designed by him, which is located in the city park.

Walk to the New World

If you were in Crimea, it would be a pity to avoid Sudak, a city located in the warmest andthe most beautiful part of the southern coast of Crimea. After visiting the Genoese fortress towering over the city - the most powerful fortification structure in the Black Sea basin, it is worth taking a path from the nearby Nowy Świat estate, running along a high slope along three bays - Blue, Green and Blue. There are no more beautiful views in Crimea.

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