Dishwasher is to make life easier. Meanwhile, it turns out that dishwashers can be dangerous to your he alth. They are a habitat of harmful fungi and mold.

Many people warn against the habit of leaving wet cloths or scourers on the kitchen counter. A humid environment and a fairly high temperature in the kitchen (especially during cooking) are favorable conditions for the multiplication of fungi and bacteria.

Kitchen sponges can contain up to 40,000 bacteria per square centimeter, which is up to 70 times more than on the floor at home.

What about the dishwasher, where we put dishes with food scraps in it every day, which may stay in it for weeks?

Dishwasher for fungi and bacteria

It turns out that the dishwasher is a hotbed of fungi that can give off powerful toxins. Mushrooms love food scraps, as well as moisture and heat, so a dishwasher is the perfect place for them. Scientists looked at the dishwashers. They collected the remaining remnants of them and checked whether there were any microorganisms on them. It turned out that they grow dangerous species of fungi, which are dangerous especially for people with weakened immunity.

Two species of fungi are particularly dangerous: Exophiala dermatitidis and Exophiala phaeomuriformis, because they are resistant to high temperatures (up to 80 degrees C) and aggressive detergents. It is worth knowing that their habitat can also be a coffee machine or a washing machine.

In turn, the bacteria that multiply in the dishwasher are, for example, E. coli, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter. Both fungi and bacteria can cause severe poisoning, urinary tract and skin infections.

How to get sick against fungi and bacteria from the dishwasher?

  • do not forget that this is one of the many devices that are regularly used in the home and, like the others, it requires regular washing. At least once a month, try to clean the dishwasher not only on the outside, but also inside

The rubber seals in the dishwasher are the places where the most microorganisms accumulate

  • after each washing program, after removing dry plates from the dishwasher, thoroughly wipe the rubberit is a seal between the dishwasher's door and the rest of the device. Thus, you can get rid of the habitat of bacteria and fungi that most often choose this place. In this way, they protect themselves against particularly high temperatures inside the equipment
