Heart diet doesn't have to be boring! These are the colors for the heart - ingredients that should be included in the diet of everyone who cares about the he alth of the heart and blood vessels.
The diet for the sick and caring for the heart should include foods rich in fiber, such as vegetables, fruit, coarse-grain bread, groats, paddy rice, and above all legumes. It turns out that dietary fiber deficiencies can be more dangerous to the cardiovascular system than a meat diet. This was proved by scientists from the Swedish University of Lund, who studied several thousand people.
Diet for the heart: fiber is the basis of a good diet
To protect the heart, we should provide the body with a minimum of 25 g of fiber daily. To achieve this, you need to eat 10 grams of cooked coarse barley, white beans, dried figs and spinach and one apple with the skin.
Diet for the heart: red wine
The resveratrol contained in red wine protects the arteries against cholesterol and increases the level of good cholesterol in the blood. Red wine has a positive effect on the circulatory system, provided, however, that we do not overdo it. A higher dose of alcohol can lead to heart failure. A he althy person can afford a glass of red wine once a day. Alcohol dilates the arteries a bit, but only he althy. Those that are overgrown by an atherosclerotic plaque will not get elastic.
Heart diet: play green!
Herbs with a choleretic effect (dandelion root, traveler's chicory root, black radish, peppermint leaf) will help to keep cholesterol in check. If the liver produces more bile, it uses more cholesterol so less of it goes into the blood. Plant sterols are also valuable (vegetable oils and oilseeds - soybean, sunflower, sesame, nuts), which reduce the absorption of cholesterol.
A diet that is good for the heart also requires changing black tea to green. Green tea is better because it contains antioxidants, i.e. substances that fight free radicals that are harmful to the body. Green tea tastes warm as well as chilled. It can replace sweet, carbonated drinks, because it perfectly soothes thirst. However, do not overdo the amount of green tea you drink. It is worth knowing that green tea, like black tea, hasa theine that does not serve the heart best. The amount of theine in both teas depends on the method of brewing.
Heart diet: whiteness of teeth
Gum and periodontitis can adversely affect the heart. The bacteria that cause these conditions enter the bloodstream and settle on the heart valves, causing them to become inflamed. To prevent this, check the condition of your teeth at the dentist's office every six months and regularly clean them of tartar build-up.
Heart diet: whiteness of fish and almond meat
Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish reduces platelet aggregation (clumping) and lowers the level of fat in the blood serum. Fish is therefore indicated in the prevention of atherosclerosis, while eating a handful of almonds a day slightly lowers the level of cholesterol, which is the main cause of atherosclerosis.
It is also worth reaching for almonds, because they contain monounsaturated fatty acids, which have the ability to lower the concentration of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. However, almonds are quite caloric, so you should not overdo it with the amount of almonds you eat. Their excessive consumption can contribute to weight gain, and this is not good for the heart. A few pieces a day is enough.
Diet for the heart: take care of your weight!
Every extra kilo forces your heart to work harder. If your BMI index, i.e. body mass index, exceeds 25 - start to lose weight, but when it exceeds 30 - definitely reduce your weight. You can calculate your BMI index on the completely free BMI calculator.
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