Home cornerstone is one of the most common spiders in our homes. It has a fairly large torso and long, massive legs covered with hairs, and it can move very quickly, which causes fear in many of us. Should we be afraid of the home corner or can it bite us? How do I get rid of it from home?
Home tangleis a species of spider from the funnel family. Certainly, each of us has seen him at least once in a lifetime. He likes to live in our houses, but he definitely avoids people.
There are several types of angles in our country,the most commonin our environment are:
- larger home corner( Eratigena atrica ) - has an abdomen 10-18 mm long, and its leg span may even reach 10 cm, which means that anyone can get scared.
- smaller home corner( Tegenaria domestica ) - is slightly smaller than its cousin, has a 10-12 mm abdomen and a leg span about 8 cm.
The name "home angle" is not accidental. This spider likesanglesin our houses or gardens because of the specific web it builds. It has the shape of afunnelin which the spider hides, waiting for its prey. The web of the home angle is also unusual for another reason - it is not sticky like the webs of other spiders and consists of several layers in which the victim simply collapses and becomes entangled .
Home corner - what does it look like?
How to recognize the home angle? First of all, after a specific heterogeneous coloration. This spider is usuallybrown , but its back (professionally called a carapace) and abdomen may be covered with lighterjagged patternssomewhat reminiscent of circles or triangles.
Italian , which cover the entire body of the angle, also attract attention. He needs them very much, because thanks to them the spider can sense all vibrations and air movement, which allows him to quickly locate his prey.
Kątnik also hasjawsthat help him fight the opponent and then tear him to shreds, and a mouthpiece containing9 to 12 teeth.
Home corner - where is it located?
Home cornerstone is included inanimalssynanthropic , which means that it lives close to human settlements. In nature, he could, of course, live in the garden, but much more often he chooses a home quiet, where he does not have as many enemies as outside (in the garden he can be preyed by many species of birds, at home he is only threatened by humans).
Home corner likesdark and quiet places , hates bright light. It has anocturnal lifestyle , so we can observe single individuals by accident, when they do not have time to hide. When we suddenly light a lamp, blinded by light, they usually freeze in terror, becoming an easy target for a human being. They are also famous for their high agility and speed.
The most common home corner piece can be found in flowerbeds, compost bins, as well as all the gaps in our house, where it can build its funnel-shaped net: in basements, pantries, attics, behind furniture.
Home angle - what does it eat?
Household pests are our allies when it comes topet pest control . Their delicacy is:
- cockroaches
- bedbugs
- muchy
- mosquitoes
- aphids
- meszki
- fruit flies
- silverfish
Thanks to their agility and speed, they are very effective at the same time. They can noticeably reduce the number of running insects living in our home.
For this reason, it is worth looking at the angle with a more kind eye and the next time we meet it - let it calmly escape and hide in a safe place, from which it will eat other uninvited guests for us.
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Home cornerstone - does it bite?
Kątnik is amild-mannered spider , definitely avoiding people. However, if he is pressed with his bare hand and feels strongly threatened,can bitea human.
Fortunately, such bites are extremely rare, and hisvenomis completely for usharmless . Moreover, not every individual has jaws strong enough to chew through human skin. Only very large individuals do this.
- Ants - are they dangerous to humans? Which of them bite?
- Szczypawka (earwig) - does it bite? Is it a pest?
Bite the home corner
The trace after the bite of the home corner looks like a bitemosquito . There are no two points on the skin, as in the case of other spiders, because the teeth of the elbowthey are too small and merge into a single point.
The bite of the elbow can manifest itself with short-termpainandlocal itching , but it does not threaten our he alth. A bite of the elbow can be tolerated by allergy sufferers, who may experiencean allergic reaction , but usually not dangerous.
Home cornerstone - how to get rid of it from home?
Is it worth getting rid of the angle at home? It is such a useful and unobtrusive spider that it is not advisable. And if we are very afraid of spiders, instead of killing him with a slipper, it is better to scoop him gently into a glass and take him to the garden.
- Venomous spiders in Poland