Accelerated heartbeat or fatigue may indicate problems with the circulatory system and portend more serious heart problems. Before medication becomes necessary, herbs can help.
It is a common belief that herbs are mild and safe. And it usually is. However, there are plants that contain very strong active substances and those that accumulate in the body may turn out to be toxic. These include some herbs that are well known to be very beneficial to the heart and have long been used to treat a variety of cardiovascular problems - but their safe use requires strict dosing.
Therefore, it is not recommended to use, for example, digitalis in the form of infusions or self-made tinctures, because it is impossible to precisely determine the content of active substances in them. The more that the difference between the therapeutic dose and the toxic dose is very small. It is always better to carry out any treatment with cardiac herbs after consulting a doctor.
Lily of the valley
It is delicate, smells beautiful and has valuable properties, used e.g. in heart ailments. This is due to cardiac cardiac glycosides (convalatoxin 10 times stronger than digitoxin obtained from digitalis purple, and convalamarin).
We recommend: Lily of the valley: healing properties
Lily of the valley herb and flowers also contain steroid saponins, flavonoids and phenolic acids. Lily of the valley glycosides strengthen the force of heart contraction, while reducing the frequency of contractions, slowing down the heart rate and increasing the excitability of the muscles of the heart chambers. Therefore, they are used in the initial stages of right ventricular heart failure, in heart defects (especially in mitral stenosis), in the treatment of edema caused by circulatory disorders, and are helpful in breathing difficulties resulting from heart failure.
Lily of the valley extracts are part of many popular heart drugs (Cardiol C drops, Neocardina, Convalatoxinum preparations, Cardiosan, Convafort dragees). You can also prepare a homemade preparation from the leaves of this plant, but it is better to use it in consultation with your doctor.
100 g of lily of the valley leaves pour 1/2 liter of 70% spirit. Set aside for about 2 weeks in a dark, warm place every now and thenshake the jar. Drain. Drink 20 drops per glass of water twice a day.
Woolly foxglove
It is often grown in gardens as an ornamental plant. Its usefulness, however, is determined not by its aesthetic values, but by the set of medicinal substances. The leaves of the woolly foxglove contain numerous cardiac glycosides, called cardenolide. primary glycosides (lanatoside A, lanatosides B, C, D, E) and secondary glycosides (digoxin, acetyldigoxin, digitoxin, acetyldigitoxin).
Read more: Foxglove - healing properties
The active substances also include digitanol glycosides, steroid saponins, anthranoid compounds, flavonoids, choline, acetylcholine. Glycosides isolated from foxglove leaves are used in acute and chronic circulatory failure, in hypertension. They increase the strength of the heart muscle contraction, slow down the heart rate, eliminate swelling and venous stagnation caused by heart failure.
A variety of woolly foxglove is purple with a very similar set of active substances. But the glycosides obtained from the leaves of the foxglove are slower and three times weaker than those from the foxglove, they are more toxic and accumulate more in the body.
Due to the strength of the glycosides of woolly foxglove, mainly tablets (instead of the once popular drops) are produced with them, containing precisely defined doses of these substances and issued on a medical prescription. In Poland, preparations containing glycosides obtained from foxglove were withdrawn from sale.
It contains a lot of various substances that have a beneficial effect on our body. This includes iridoids, cavolides, enylpropanoids, flavonoids derived from quercetin, kaempferol and apigenin. In addition, cardiac glycosides, nitrogen and diterpene compounds, tannins, sitosterols, organic acids, mineral s alts with a high content of potassium, calcium, silicon and sodium.
We recommend: motherwort - healing properties
Thanks to this variety, the motherwort has a mildly calming effect on the nervous system and diastolic in the digestive and reproductive systems, as well as toning up the work of the heart - it lowers blood pressure, slows down the heart rate, and increases the efficiency of the heart muscle. It is used in nervous heart ailments and in the early stages of hypertensive and coronary disease.
The herb of the motherwort is a component of tranquilizing tablets, granules and herbal mixtures (including Neurosin, Cardiosan, Cardiogran). It can be used to make an infusion, recommended for the elderly in cardiovascular diseases.vascular with mild symptoms.
1 tablespoon of crushed motherwort herb, pour a glass of boiling water, and set aside, covered, for 15 minutes. Strain it. Drink half a cup 2-3 times a day after eating as a sedative and cardiac remedy.