Simple breast amputation involves the removal of the breast with the membrane (fascia) covering the greater pectoral muscle. The greater pectoral muscle itself, located under the breast gland, remains intact. A simple breast amputation can be combined with the sentinel node procedure. What are the types of simple breast amputation? When is the traditional and when is the straight-saving breast amputation performed?
Simple breast amputationcan be traditional mastectomy or it can be conservative technique. The choice of the method of breast amputation depends primarily on the stage of the disease.
Simple breast amputation: indications
- multifocal intraductal cancer
- relapse after conservative surgery - salvage surgery
- advanced tumor, large size and metastatic - palliative surgery
Simple breast amputation: traditional and sparing
Simple breast amputation may involve the skin to a varying degree:
- traditional - the most common type of mastectomy, the skin, nipple and areola are removed along with the gland. A flat, approximately 20 cm transverse scar remains on the chest; of course, breast reconstruction is possible, it can often be performed during the same operation
- with skin sparing - a circular cut around the nipple is made and the entire breast gland, the areolaed nipple is removed, but leaves the skin covering the breast
- sparing the nipple - an incision is made around the nipple and its areola remains intact
- subcutaneous mastectomy with complete skin sparing - an incision is made under the breast or around the nipple, and breast reconstruction in this method is the easiest; this type of mastectomy is often used for prophylactic mastectomy.
When can the breast skin be left?
Some specialists believe that the breast skin can be left on when the tumor is smaller than 2 cm and is at least 2 cm away from the nipple. Usually, skin-conserving surgeries are combined with immediate breast reconstruction to minimize psychological discomfort.