Do you have a scheduled visit to the dentist, but it turns out on the spot that you cannot proceed with the procedure? It is possible! Find out in which situation it is better to postpone the visit or inform the dentist about your condition.
Tooth extraction date based on the menstrual cycle? This is quite a reasonable idea. Although tooth extractions are generally completely safe procedures, it is worth taking precautions to minimize the risk of serious complications.
For example, experts advise that during the menstrual period, avoid surgical procedures such as wisdom tooth extraction (so-called chiseling), implanting dental implants or reconstructive procedures on the gums, because during this time blood clotting decreases and the risk of hemorrhage increases.
- In theory, the amount of blood lost then is minimal in relation to both the estimated total blood volume and allowable blood loss, so the risk is low. In practice, however, postoperative bleeding may be increased and tissues more pain-sensitive. Therefore, let's inform the dentist about your condition, who, for the sake of he alth and greater comfort of the patient, should propose a different date - the drug advises. stom. Waldemar Stachowicz from Centrum Periodent in Warsaw.
Some patients may also have von Willebrand disease, a genetically determined disease characterized by a greater bleeding tendency after an injury or surgery. And although it is a rare disease, in women, due to their menstrual periods, the risk of excessive bleeding during dental procedures or even tooth brushing is even greater.
After tooth extraction, you want to avoid the painful complication of wound healing, the so-called dry socket? Do not decide to undergo the procedure on the days of the cycle when estrogen levels are at their highest (usually days 12-14 and 21-22 of the cycle). - Increased estrogen levels, also from the use of birth control pills, is one of the risk factors for dry socket and makes women twice as likely to suffer from this condition, explains the dentist.
Additionally, immediately before or in the first 3-4 days of her period, a woman has a lower pain tolerance, hormonal changes (higher progesterone levels) make her gums tender, susceptible to inflammation and bleeding. FROMfor this reason, procedures such as tartar removal, filling or tooth extraction are preferably performed about a week after the end of menstruation.
Herpes labialis
Herpes is a common viral disease of the skin and mucous membranes - it is estimated that every third Pole is a carrier of this virus. Herpes labialis is not only painful and not very aesthetic, it is also one of the contraindications to visiting the dentist. When it appears, postpone any dental procedures for your own good and the safety of others. Why?
During a dental examination, this very sensitive lesion may become irritated. Then there is a risk of rupture of the vesicle with infected serum fluid and the herpes virus may spread to a larger area of the mucous membranes in the mouth, e.g. the throat, making it difficult to eat and regenerate the lesions. We are talking about herpetic stomatitis (gingivostomatitis). Second, the HSV-1 virus responsible for cold sores is extremely aggressive and highly contagious when exposed to direct contact, so you are also putting the he alth of he althcare professionals at risk.
- A dental visit should be postponed until the active lesions in the patient are fully healed. In the meantime, we can prescribe oral or topical antiviral drugs for herpes, e.g. acyclovir, denotivir, and recommend preparations such as special patches or zinc ointment, which will alleviate symptoms and accelerate healing. The exception here is, for example, a biostimulation treatment with a laser, very effective in the treatment of herpes and performed in some dental offices - says the expert.
You cough, have a runny nose and start breaking in your bones? In this situation, it makes more sense to postpone your visit until you feel better. However, it all depends on how exactly you feel and whether it is a contagious infection that you can infect other patients and staff. Often, seasonal infections with persistent cough, stuffy nose, fever and weakness are a source of discomfort for patients who find it difficult to sit in an armchair.
- If the patient has the flu, pneumonia or other serious illness, cancel the appointment and recover at home. In the case of a migraine attack, it is also worth considering, especially if the patient is facing long or invasive procedures such as surgical tooth extraction or root canal treatment - the expert advises.
Pregnancy is not a disease, but in some situations it is better to be careful. - A contraindication during pregnancy and breastfeeding is, for example, teeth whitening. This applies to both the whitening methodprofessional in the office, e.g. with the use of hydrogen peroxide, as well as ready-made kits from the pharmacy or drugstore - says the dentist.
First of all, the effects of the substances responsible for changing the shade of teeth on the fetus are still poorly studied. Secondly, whitening preparations can cause temporary hypersensitivity of the gums, which due to the storm of hormones are extremely susceptible to infections, swelling and bleeding. However, we can safely remove tartar, which not only cleans the teeth of unsightly, superficial deposits, but also prevents gum disease.
What about X-ray in pregnancy? Usually they can be performed if there is an urgent need for detailed diagnosis of the oral cavity condition in a pregnant patient. The average radiation dose for a traditional single tooth extraction is minimal and safe for the fetus. More and more often, the examination is also performed with the method of digital radiography (radiovisiography), where the radiation dose is even lower (10 images taken by radiovisiography correspond to 1 X-ray of the tooth on film) and more and more common in offices.
Oral X-ray examinations are best performed in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, as is the treatment of caries (also root canal) and placing a filling, or even extracting a tooth, if necessary, eliminating inflammation in the mouth.
In turn, when deciding to put in an orthodontic appliance, veneers or surgical procedures, it is better to wait for the pregnancy to be terminated. - In the event of an emergency, in order to dispel any doubts, let us inform you about your condition during the telephone registration. If patients with infection or pregnant women require treatment, we try to minimize the risk of complications, especially with more invasive procedures, and we usually postpone the visit to a more convenient date, out of concern for their safety. However, we treat each situation individually, serious inflammations or periodontal changes cannot wait and often require an immediate response - explains Dr. Stachowicz.
Worth knowingThe Periodent Treatment and Prevention Center is a modern dental clinic located in Warsaw, which has been taking care of the smiles of Poles for many years. Periodent specializes in implantology, cosmetic dentistry, and above all, in the field of periodontitis and mucosa diseases.
In his work, he uses, inter alia, advanced microscopes, lasers, CEREC system and digital devices for low-dose radiology. There are also available tests with a digital periodontal probe PA-ON - a unique tool helpful in the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of periodontal diseases.
Centrum Periodent is also the creator of the actionthe information "Stop paradontozie", within which he organizes free dental consultations and diagnostics for patients at risk of periodontal diseases.