Seasonal fruits, such as strawberries, are the richest in vitamins and minerals, so let's not miss the opportunity to eat them to your heart's content. In summer, fruits are not only the tastiest, but also the he althiest. So enjoy an abundance of strawberries, raspberries, cherries, cherries, wild strawberries, currants, pears, gooseberries, blueberries and apricots.
When freshly picked, they have the most nutrients. The optimal daily dose is twofruitapple-sized, and for smaller fruit - two glasses, or about 200 g. This portion is best divided into two meals. Let's not overeat with fruit. It is true that they are a great boon to our he alth, but they also have a lot of simple sugars. When eaten in very large amounts, they make it difficult to lose weight, they also increase fermentation in the intestines, which can cause diarrhea. It should also be remembered that an overdose of substances found in fruits may exacerbate the ailments occurring in the course of some diseases.
Strawberries detoxify and improve mood
Strawberriesare a great source ofvitaminC (as much as 60 mg / 100 g), vitamin A (30 mg) and vitamins from the group B: B1(0.01 mg), B2(0.03 mg), B3 , i.e. PP (0.4 mg), folic acid (20 mcg). They also contain potassium (160 mg / 100 g), iron (0.7 mg), magnesium (12 mg), calcium (22 mg), manganese (0.3 mg), phosphorus (23 mg), zinc (0.3 mg), copper (0.1 mg).
Strawberries facilitate the absorption of iron from other foods. That is why it is worth eating them, for example, after vegetables rich in this element. They are diuretic and detoxifying. They support the work of the kidneys and regulate the secretion of bile. They help in removing uric acid, so people with arthritis should eat them a lot. They improve digestion, especially of fat and protein. They neutralize carcinogens, reduce blood pressure and help lower the level of bad cholesterol.Strawberriesgood for your mood.
What should you know about strawberries?
Important- There is poisonous prussic acid in the seeds of cherries, plums or apricots. It can cause migraines, for example. That is why it is so important to carefully remove the seeds from fruit intended for preserves.
- Fresh fruit has the most nutrients. They are a little less valuablefrozen foods. The least valuable elements are found in preserves and jams, but they will also have a beneficial effect on he alth if we do not add too much sugar to them.
- Some fruits, although acidic in taste, contain large amounts of alkaline compounds that neutralize excess digestive juices. Thanks to this, they help with indigestion, acidity and heartburn. This is how, for example, red currants work. If we have these gastric problems, we should drink the juice of these fruits twice a day. Dried apricots and plums will do the same. Therefore, it is a very good practice to add them to hard-to-digest meat dishes.
Cherries delay the aging process
Cherries have more iodine as well as calcium and iron than commonly considered he althier cherries. They also contain large amounts of vitamins A, C and B, as well as flavonoids. Cherries neutralize the effects of free radicals and thus slow down the aging process of the skin. They cleanse the body of toxins and harmful metabolic products. They are recommended for people with gout and those who want to avoid it - eating cherries reduces the amount of uric acid in the blood. Potassium contributes to the removal of excess s alt from the body, which is why these fruits have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and kidneys. Raw cherries remain in the stomach for a long time. For this reason, short-term fruit will be safer for people with peptic ulcer disease or a sensitive digestive tract. They retain a lot of nutritional value, and a sick stomach will be much better at digesting them.
Raspberries are great for colds
Raspberries are a rich source of vitamin C and fiber. They contain some calcium and iron, vitamin E and folic acid, as well as salicylic acid. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, makes us absorb iron better. It is also an important antioxidant in preventing cancer. On the other hand, folic acid is an essential component of the diet of women planning pregnancy. Raspberries also help to cleanse the body of toxins, fight indigestion and diarrhea. The juice of these fruits, drunk during colds, soothes coughs. It also has warming properties, thanks to salicylic acid, which is in its composition. Raspberry leaf tea, drunk regularly during the last three months of pregnancy, soothes labor pains. It also reduces menstrual cramps, as long as you drink it systematically a few days before the onset of bleeding.
Cherries strengthen the cardiovascular system
Cherries contain a lot of fruit acids, including pectin (a type of fiber), manganese, some iron, calcium and iodine. They are a good source of potassium and enoughgood vitamin C. Cherries stabilize the heart and protect against cardiovascular diseases. They also have a beneficial effect on the skin. They contain substances that prevent the formation of tumors. They cleanse the body of unnecessary metabolic products. They gently cleanse, so they bring relief from constipation. They are especially recommended for fussy eaters because they improve the appetite. People with anemia should remember them. Rinsing the eyelids with an infusion of dried cherry blossoms helps, for example, in conjunctivitis. On the other hand, baths with an infusion of young cherry branches are recommended for people suffering from rheumatism.
ImportantFruits are a source of vitamins. But they also include:
- Fiber - improves intestinal peristalsis, increases the excretion of cholesterol.
- Zinc - increases immunity, strengthens bones, hair and nails.
- Phytoestrogens - plant hormones, alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
- Flavonoids - neutralize free radicals, seal vessels, protect against atherosclerosis and cancer.
- Phosphorus - strengthens bones, improves the work of the heart and kidneys.
- Iodine - necessary for the thyroid gland, which affects the functioning of the entire body, incl. regulates fat burning.
- Silicon - seals blood vessels, improves the appearance of skin and hair, accelerates metabolism.
- Folic acid - its deficiency during pregnancy causes developmental defects in the fetus.
- Magnesium - improves concentration, lowers blood pressure, calms down.
- Copper - facilitates the absorption of iron, good for the heart and bones.
- Potassium - prevents hypertension, soothes allergy symptoms, cleanses.
- Calcium - protects teeth, bones and heart, relieves allergy symptoms.
- Iron - essential in the process of carrying oxygen to all body cells.
Wild strawberries help with intestinal diseases
Strawberries contain a lot of vitamins C, B and K, potassium and fiber, some calcium, iron, magnesium and antioxidants. Wild strawberries increase resistance to diseases, help remove toxic metabolic products and soothe the nerves. They are recommended for iron deficiency, for gout and as a mild laxative and antipyretic. They are prepared extracts that are effective in diseases of the intestines and spleen. Dried fruit is diuretic and anti-diarrheal. The raw ones are also good for our beauty. They whiten freckles, are suitable as a cosmetic for oily skin, and in combination with yogurt, also for dry skin. Like strawberries, they contain compounds that can cause allergic reactions. Allergy sufferers should therefore check their reaction to these fruits, e.g. rub a little juice on the delicate skin of the forearm. unlessthere will be swelling or redness, the fruit should not be harmful.
Currants have anti-inflammatory properties
Currants have a lot of flavonoids, pectins and vitamin C. Black currants contain three times more than red ones - half a glass of fruit is enough to cover the daily requirement for this vitamin. The skin contains antibacterial substances that are effective in combating E. coli bacteria, which is the cause of intestinal ailments. The same compounds also have anti-inflammatory properties, which is why tea with blackcurrant juice helps with, for example, throat infections. Black currants are also diuretic and diaphoretic. Red ones are lightly laxative and stimulate the appetite. They neutralize the effects of free radicals, and thus prevent the formation of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Gooseberry improves digestion
It contains a lot of vitamin C and pectin, some potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron. By increasing the production of bile, it improves digestion. It has anti-inflammatory properties and strengthens the immune system. It speeds up metabolism, and thanks to its diuretic properties, it cleanses the body of harmful metabolic products. Gooseberries should be included in the diet of people suffering from constipation and those on a slimming diet. It is also recommended for people suffering from iron deficiency anemia.
Blueberries neutralize free radicals
Berries contain vitamins A, C, PP and B group vitamins, as well as valuable elements, e.g. selenium, zinc, copper. They are a good source of folic acid, phytoestrogens and flavonoids. They also have loads of fiber. They neutralize free radicals, kill viruses and bacteria, and lower the level of bad cholesterol. They contain substances that make blood vessels more flexible and are involved in the production of red blood cells. Berries are recommended for people with poor eyesight. They prevent, among others glaucoma or cataracts. They remove toxins from the body, which is why they are recommended for various types of poisoning. They protect against urinary tract infections, e.g. cystitis. When raw, they counteract constipation, while preserves cure diarrhea. American blueberries, due to the richness of folic acid, are recommended for women planning to become pregnant and expecting a child, because they support the proper development of the fetus.
Apples against cancer
They are a good source of vitamin C. They have a lot of potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, silicon, zinc, beta-carotene, quercitin and lots of pectin. Apples inhibit the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, and also seal the vessels. It is worth eating them without peeling, because valuable antioxidants are also found in the skin and just below it. Apples increase resistance to infection, so they should find itin the diet of people who often catch a cold. They effectively cleanse the body of toxins and cholesterol. They have a positive effect on the condition of nails, skin and hair. Raw food has been administered for a long time in constipation, while stewed diarrhea has been treated. Apples are especially recommended for people who are slimming, because they quickly give you a feeling of fullness. Pectins create a jelly-like mass in the stomach that binds fats and cholesterol, and prevents their penetration into the blood.
Apricots good for convalescents
Apricots are a very good source of beta-carotene and fiber, phosphorus, potassium and B vitamins. They have a lot of vitamin C and calcium. They help to prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer. They lower blood pressure. They also eliminate swelling, because the substances contained in them stimulate urine excretion, and thus get rid of sodium and water from the body. They support the formation of red blood cells. The apricots should be used, among others people with osteoporosis. They are also very advisable for convalescents, because they accelerate the return to full strength. For the preservation of dried apricots, substances are used that can provoke an asthma attack. However, allergy sufferers do not have to completely give up these tasty fruits - just wash them thoroughly.
Brzoski increasing immunity
In addition to vitamin C, peaches contain a lot of potassium and beta-carotene, which in the body transforms into vitamin A. They also have B vitamins, vitamin PP, magnesium, iron and calcium. Peaches - including their hairy skin - are easy to digest. In addition, they help to cleanse the body of toxins and poisonous metabolic products. They have mild laxative properties, so people suffering from constipation should not feel sorry for them. Due to the richness of minerals and vitamins, peaches are essential in the diet of vegetarians and convalescents.
Plums perfect for constipation
Plums contain a lot of pectin, organic acids, flavonoids, vitamins A and E, some C, B vitamins, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and calcium. Substances contained in plums neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals. So they prevent, for example, atherosclerosis or heart disease. They are recommended for people suffering from constipation. Dried fruit and compote made of them also have laxative properties. They contain seven times more fiber than fresh ones, but they are more caloric. Plums slow down skin aging, so they should be included, for example, in the diet of women who want to keep their skin smooth and supple for as long as possible. They are also good for the stressed ones - they improve the mood and help soothe the nerves. People with a sensitive stomach should not overdo it with eating these fruits. Plums - when we eat too much of them - havebloating properties and causes diarrhea.
Pears lower blood pressure
Pears contain a lot of potassium, fiber, iron and vitamin C, as well as a lot of simple sugars. They are quite caloric. 100 g is about 60 kcal. They help regulate blood pressure, so they should be included in the menu of people suffering from hypertension. They stimulate digestion and intestinal peristalsis, and eliminate constipation. They also have diuretic properties, so they should be eaten by people suffering from urinary tract inflammation or kidney stones. Pears are also recommended for people at risk of anemia. Dried compote has antipyretic properties. The tiny "grains" that make up the flesh of pears remain undigested and can irritate the intestinal mucosa. Pears will also not be useful for people suffering from indigestion, because they contain significant amounts of sorbitol - a simple sugar that causes flatulence. Due to the high calorific value, they are not recommended for those who are slimming.

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