Berries counteract cancer thanks to the blue color given to these fruits by compounds from the anthocyanin and phenol family. Blueberries also improve eyesight, prevent atherosclerosis, and regulate digestion. Properly dosed blueberries will help to get rid of intestinal parasites in children.

How do anthropogenic and phenols work inberries ? These compounds are powerful antioxidants that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals. Anthocyanins destroy cells with damaged genetic material. Although all fruits and vegetables are a good source of antioxidants, blueberries are the leaders in this group.

Blueberry properties:

● PROTECT FROM THE SUN:anthocyanins form a natural sunscreen by absorbing harmful UV rays. Therefore, they should be eaten by people who stay in the sun for a long time.

● THEY WORK LIKE ANTIBIOTIC:they used to be used even with … typhus. The bactericidal properties of berries work well with E. coli bacteria, which are the main cause of intestinal ailments, but also with urinary tract infections (they are not as strong as in the berry's cousin - cranberry).

● DETOX:the decoction and berry juice binds bacterial toxins and heavy metal s alts. Why is it worth eating … blueberries

● REGULATE DIGESTION:dried or boiled are anti-diarrheal, but when raw they can cause diarrhea (but they help with constipation). Thanks to the high tannin content, both the juice and the infusion of berries seal the gastric mucosa, neutralize harmful metabolic products and slow down intestinal peristalsis.

● DESTROY INTESTINAL PARASITES IN CHILDREN:during treatment, tannins have a shocking effect on pinworms and roundworms. Give your child fresh fruit 4 times a day at regular intervals, from 1/2 to 2 glasses, the first portion on an empty stomach.

● PREVENT ANEMIA,because they contain mythylline, an antioxidant from the anthocyanin family, which makes blood vessels more flexible and, together with iron, is involved in the production of red blood cells.

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● PREVENT ATCERTEROSIS:antioxidants lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. Fiber also has merit in this work - a large proportion of cholesterol is removed from the digestive tract before it enters the system.blood vessel. The substances contained in the berries strengthen the capillaries, making them impermeable to cholesterol.

● IMPROVE VISION:anthocyanins have a positive effect on the condition of the eye capillaries and accelerate the regeneration of rhodopsin - a pigment present in the retina of the eye, responsible for good vision after dark.

● REGULATE SUGAR LEVEL,and the chromium and glucokinin ions contained in the fruit, as well as the tannins present in the leaves make the berries a vegetable insulin.

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